My Mate is Married - Chapter 19

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Seneca's POV

Ace just asked me about the biggest insecurity in my life. The worst memory. The part of my life that I have chose not to re live with anyone. Not my co workers, not my friends, not even my husband.

It's something that's so hard to talk about. After my dad left I made myself into this whole new person, so sometimes it's almost as if I've left all the pain and torment in the past with my old self.

I've tried so hard to avoid it at every cost. Choosing not to wear anything out that shows my scars for fear someone will ask me about them. I literally never go swimming.

Sometimes it makes me feel awful for May when she asks me to swim. May.

I hope May is ok. I know she has to be a little lost why mommy isn't home yet. But I'm sure my mom is doing an okay job taking care of her. She's used to babysitting - just not overnight.

I wonder if Miles even cared to pick her up yet. I wonder if he even cares that I'm gone. If he's filed a missing person report. Or if he figures it's better that I'm gone anyways.

Maybe i can just open up to Ace about these scars and see how he reacts this time. If he reacts better this time maybe I can tell him about May. I feel like maybe I can trust him now. I'll tell him I just need to check on her and make sure everything is ok.

That I'm not planning on going back to my husband. That we can start over. I can file for divorce, Go on dates, like a normal couple and just maybe I can give this whole destined to be together a chance.

I know I have to be losing my mind but, he's a werewolf I saw it with my own eyes and this bond he talks about feels so real. Maybe my life could be like the fairytales I always read about when I'd sneak to the library.

"Uh Seneca, you okay there? You look like you're thinking pretty hard. I'm sorry if it's too hard to talk about I don't want to pressure you."

"Oh, uh, sorry I spaced out. I'll tell you Ace but you have to promise not to react like last time."

A frown formed on his face. "I promise Seneca I will never hurt you again."

He had such a serious look on his face like this was the most important thing that he's ever said in his life.

"I've never told anyone about my scars. No one. So bare with me ok."

Here goes nothing.

"When I was younger, my father was very abusive. He was a drunk and would visit the bar or the liquor cabinet daily."

I looked into Ace's eyes and could already see his hurt for me. The way he spoke about his parents dying, I could tell he must have loved them dearly.

Ace nodded at me to continue.

"My dad was an angry drunk, so when he had too much to drink he was usually looking for someone to let his aggression out on. And unfortunately for me that was always my mom or me."

Ace let out a low growl and reached his hand towards my face. I looked up to his eyes and saw the anger surfacing. I was nervous as his finger brushed my face, until I realized that he was wiping away a tear. I hadn't even noticed that I had started crying.

Ace pulled me onto his lap and held me in his embrace as I cried against his chest.

" I don't know how someone could do that to their own child, or any child for that matter. Your father was a coward, hitting a defenseless child. When did the abuse end?"

He continued running his hand on the back of my head as he he'd me close.

"He left my mom and me when I was 14 years old. He headed off with some bimbo he met. I was so happy to see him leave but I could tell that it crushed my mother- even after everything I think that she still loved him."

"I can't believe she wouldn't have done something sooner for you. I'll be damned if anyone will ever lay a finger on our children." (Our children??)

"I know, I used to always think that I was a bad child. That If my own father hated me this much than I must be worthless. And then some nights when the abuse got really bad, I even thought I wasn't worth being alive."

By this point I was hysterically crying, I literally have never told anyone about my feelings of being worthless not even my own mother.

This time Ace let out a loud growl and he hugged me a little tighter.

"I wish that bastard of a man was still around, so I could show him what happens when you hit children. I would love to teach him a lesson for ever making my mate feel like that."

He let out another growl and it was becoming a bit much for me. I let out a small whimper in between my cries.

Ace leaned back and kissed my lips softly. I could feel the emotion he was putting into the kiss.

"I'm sorry Seneca, I'm not trying to scare you. It just kills me to think that someone would ever make you feel like you were worthless. You're absolutely perfect and I'm going to spend the rest of my life making sure you remember that everyday."

I smiled at Ace and it warmed my heart to hear his words. Maybe this was finally my chance to be truly happy in life. To feel my true worth. It's time- I need to tell him about Maybelle.

After everything he's said about being appalled that someone could hurt a child and all of his kind words. I know 100% now that this bond that I feel is real. I'm really going to move on with my life with a werewolf.

I sniffled a few times, wiped my tears away and prepared myself to drop the news to him.

"Ace there's something I need to tell you. It's something that I've been hiding from you and before I was afraid to talk about it with you. But now I think .... I mean I know I can trust you. Ace, the reason I wanted to go home before is .... well I have a ......."

Before I could finish my sentence, Ace jumped up from the bed in a panic. He stared off into the distance like he was thinking really hard about something.

Then he looked in my direction, the panic still across his face.

"I'm so sorry Seneca I was spaced out there for a second while you were talking. Someone in my pack just mind linked me. Basically, they were talking in my head. There's a few issues on my land I need to attend to really quick. I'll send my beta Derek up to check on you in a little while. And as soon as I get back I promise to finish what we were talking about."

He walked back to the bed and leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. Then he looked down and pressed another kiss to my lips.

"I hate leaving you. I promise I won't be too long beautiful."

And with that Ace disappeared out of the room at some crazy werewolf speed - along with my chances
Of getting home anytime soon.

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