My Mate is Married - Chapter 28

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***had trouble writing this chapter - writers block- but I wanted to update ! Let me know what you think 😊👍 ***

Miles POV

I watched as Seneca and May hurried down the stairs. May turned just before the last step and gave me a little wave goodbye. Seneca on the other hand has refused to even make eye contact with me since we were in the bathroom together.

"I guess I'll just head to the gym then" I yelled down the stairs as the front door shut. It's my day off and honestly after what Seneca pulled today, I needed to blow off some steam.

I don't know if she was just messing with me, as payback, or if the fever she had was making her delirious. She hasn't checked me out like that in I don't know how long.

I mean I know I look good but she was staring, hard.
It just turned me on so much to see her take that kind of interest in me again.

I thought I was making the right decision by making a move on her after that, but I don't know what happened. She leaped away from me like I burnt her or something.

Maybe it's just too soon for her. I mean it's understandable but damn she doesn't have to lead me on like that.

I just hope that she isn't being that way with anyone else. I didn't like that chief of police getting all cozy with her a few nights ago. She thinks he's just being protective, but I know there's something else there with that guy and I don't like it one bit.

I know I'm a hypocrite, but I'm ready to fix our relationship and I can't have some other guy trying to weasel his way in with her.

I stared off in thought as I made the long drive to the gym. Our town is so small that you have to drive about 40 minutes to get there. Another reason Seneca never liked me going. She always said it took to much time away from the family.

Mark that down on the list of things I need to start working on. I headed into the locker room and locked my gym bag away. Then I made my way out to the treadmill where I always start my warm up.

I climbed onto the machine and plugged my headphones into my phone. I scrolled through my music until I found my playlist labeled workout.
Popped the earbuds in and clicked on the slow to start option that increases speed and incline as you go.

This is always the perfect time to think. I need to come up with some ideas to start warming Seneca back up to the idea of me and her.

I worked into a jog as I let the thoughts swirl through my mind. What do girls like to do when they have free  time to relax?

After about Twenty minutes I started to realize how little I have done for Seneca in the last couple of years. I mean I'm not even sure what she likes to do when she's alone.

Gosh, I don't even know how her mother could have believed that I sent her to a spa get away before. ! Maybe I could send her to a spa ....

That would probably be a nice surprise for Seneca. Maybe it could even get me a little action from her like earlier. Yep - definitely getting a spa certificate on the way home.


Seneca's POV

Work was an absolute nightmare today. I have no idea what is going on with me. I took my temperature a few times today and even after taking Tylenol there was still no change.

It's like my body is just running extra hot today. And on top of that, whatever happened with Miles this morning must have gotten me all riled up because I'm pretty sure I was checking out every man that walked through the door of the super market today.

Some even asked me if I was feeling okay. Anytime a decent looking man came through my line, I couldn't help but get flushed just thinking about the possibilities. I knew that I was beat red and i would mix up my words because I was so flustered by my thoughts.

Right around four o'clock I just couldn't take the way I was feeling anymore and asked if I could head out a little early. Luckily, Carrie sent me home right away. I know why she was so okay with the idea of it. In fact she had been checking up on me all day.

It being a pretty small town, a lot of people around here had already heard about me going missing for a few days. And there's this whole big thing about a kidnapper running loose.

I honestly didn't want to make the story a big deal - for multiple reasons, but unfortunately my mother has a big mouth and loves to gossip.

On my way out I stopped in the back and grabbed a bag of ice and made sure to pick out some more Tylenol for later.

After leaving, I stopped by my moms house and picked up May. My mother picks her up from preschool around 1 usually.

On the way home from my moms Maybelle was being extra talkative about her day.
"Did you have a good day at school today May?"
I stared in the rearview mirror of the car waiting for her answer.

"Yes, Mommy I had the best day ever!"
She said as her smile downed across her face.

"Well, that's good! So we're any of the kids mean to you on the playground today?"
May had been complaining the last two weeks that a few of the children were leaving her out of the games at recess.

"Yeah they were. I was sad because no one would let me play with them. So I sat over near the fence by myself and picked some of the dandelions."

I hated hearing my sweet May talk about being left out, but when I peeked in the mirror again - I saw that she still held a big smile on her face.

"Well that doesn't sound like the best day ever, Did something else happen that made it better ?"

"Yes, somebody finally came over and played with me mommy !"

"Awe that's wonderful May ? Was it a little girl or a little boy?" I asked curiously, wondering what sweet child helped make my baby feel included.

"Neither mom! It was a big black doggy! He came right up against the fence and let me pet him until I stopped crying."

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