Chapter 46

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New Chapter !!!

Seneca's POV

I was on a high. I could feel every fiber of me pulled at one time into a feeling of ecstasy that I had never quite experienced.

It was like every nerve ending within me had exploded and i was finally relieved from the heat.
My mind still encircled around the thoughts of being with Ace.

And that's when My eyes shot open and there beneath me was Miles.

"Miles!" I screamed as I shoved myself up from him.

"I.... ......I mean we shouldn't have done that."  I stammered as I practically leaped out of the bathtub.

"Seneca, slow down, it's okay. It made you feel better didn't it ? Did it stop the pain?"

I grabbed a towel from the sink and threw it around me , coming to the realization that my body was completely bare to miles.

I feel my face get hot and I knew my cheeks were rosy as the embarrassment rose inside of me, understanding what had just happened.

"Well..... I mean I do feel better. But it wasn't right of you to take advantage of me in a state like that..."

"You're right. I'm sorry, but when I saw you like that.... well I just had to try to help you. I couldn't stand to see you in so much pain."

Miles did look sincere and I understand where he's coming from but why was I even in pain in the first place ..... unless Ace is near by.


Does he know that that just happened? Could he feel  how much I needed him ? For just a moment it felt like he was really there with me. Like our souls were connecting somehow.

How could something so strong, all just be fake.

"Miles I want to leave the compound..."

"Seneca.... we've already talked about this. It's just too dangerous."

"I'm sorry I guess I didn't make that clear. What I meant to say is - I'm leaving the compound."

With that I stormed towards the miles bedroom and there open the drawers searching for clothes to wear.

I threw on one of his white tees and a pair of baggy sweat pants.

I headed towards the bedroom door, determined to figure out how to get out of here.

As I reached the door I felt Miles hand pull back on my shoulder, spinning me around to face him.

"Seneca, you can't leave I won't let you."

'I won't let you' rang out in my head over and over again as my anger rose.

I've had just about enough of men in my life telling me what I can and can't do.

"You don't own me miles !" I screamed
I walked towards him and I could feel my emotions jumbled together all at once. Everything was swirling and my brain felt like pure chaos.

Miles POV

Seneca screamed at me and I could tell that she was having an internal battle with all the emotions.

I'm sure that everything that happened just a few minutes ago was starting to affect her.

I started to say something to calm her down, when I watched as her body hit the floor.

She screamed in pain as she clutched her chest tightly.

I ran to her side as she continued screaming. She was pulling at her chest. "It hurts so much miles..."

She managed to stammer out.

She was sweating and her whole body was now shaking.

I yelled to the hallway at my men.

"Get me a medic in here now !"

Within a minute my medical team was running through the door trying to check Seneca.

"What happened." They questioned

"Nothing, she was arguing with me and then just fell over in pain."

"How did her heat stop before?" They questioned again as they had already been prepped on what was happening a little while ago.

Slightly embarrassed I said " well, I helped her to relieve the pain that was going on."

"Did you help her relieve the pain or did you fully complete the process?"

"What would this all have to do with her pain?!"
I shouted, not really wanting to discuss the personal details.

"Because if you did, then we can't help her with the pain. She'll need to be fully sedated."

"Fine, yes we did 'fully complete the process' but why would that change anything. Shouldn't she be madly in love with me right now?"

Seneca continued to scream out throughout all of this and I couldn't believe that she could feel this way all because of this.

"Sedate her now." I heard the lead medic say as
The other injected something into senecas arm.

She yelled out one more time just before the medicine overtook her and she fell asleep.

I pushed past the medics and lifted her into my arms and held her limp body close.

"Is someone going to tell me why this is happening?!" I yelled, feeling almost more distressed seeing Seneca lie so still.

"Yes, sir sorry we just wanted to get her help, before going into detail. Seneca has been mated to an alpha and that bond has apparently been accepted by both sides. When you had sex during her heat, you essentially split that bond. You started the process of tearing their soles apart from one another, and the pain of that is almost too much for some to bear."

Hearing this made me ready to murder someone. Did I just hear that I could lose my Seneca from this?

"Is there a particular reason why I wasn't briefed on this information before ?!"

"Well sir..... yes there was a reason. But I'm not a liberty to say."

I laid Seneca to the side and jumped to my feet.

I stood square with the man from my medical team.
"I guess I didn't make myself clear, tell me now if you enjoy living."

I stood within inches of the man. Radiating off the authority and fear that I had obtained throughout my years as a hunter.

He breathed out "fine sir, but keep me out of it when this all blows up."

"Your father requested that we not share that specific  information with you."

I paused for a moment. Taking everything I just heard in. I would love to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. My father had the opportunity to take down an alpha wolf. And that was far more important to him, than my happiness.

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