My Mate is Married - Chapter 5

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How I picture Ace's room ⬆️

Seneca's POV

My eyes began to open and I could tell it was morning by the light that was shining in my eyes. For some reason my bed felt comfier than usual this morning and there was a sweet smell coming from my sheets. I reached to stretch my arms when my right arm was suddenly jerked backwards.

I looked down to see that there was a soft rope tied around my wrist and the other end had been tied to the bed. I looked down in confusion and then my eyes started to dart around the room. This wasn't my room. This wasn't my bed.

Where am I - I thought to myself. Dread started to fill me as the events of last night flooded my mind.
Miles with another woman, me running away, down the streets, and then ACE.

Oh my gosh Ace he..... he kidnapped me. And now I'm tied to a bed. I started screaming for help and yanking on the rope as hard as I could. I had watched enough scary movies to know what was going on and where I was going to end up.

Maybe the rope would break ....maybe someone would hear me.....

I heard a creaking noise from across the room and looked up to realize that the bedroom door was opening. I screamed and pulled at the rope more not wanting to be stuck to something while my capture approached me.

The door opened fully and standing there in the doorway was Ace. Even though I was scared it was hard to ignore how handsome he was. And also the strange pull I felt towards him was confusing me. I'm kidnapped I should want to get as far away from this man as possible.

He put a finger up to his lips shushing me and I instantly stopped screaming nervous about what might happen if I didn't comply. He walked slowly towards the bed never once letting his eyes leave mine. When he reached the bed I tried to cower away from him. I didn't like the vulnerable position I was in.

He took a quick step back realizing my fear and began speaking to me in a soft tone.
"I'm not going to hurt you Seneca ...... I would never do anything to harm you."

"Why did you take me Ace" I said my voice sounded quiet and shaky

"Well you won't understand everything at first. Just know that I love you so much and that were destined for one another. I know that you have to feel some sort of pull towards me that maybe you can't quite explain. It's because we're mates ....... uh like soul mates."

"Ace what you're saying sounds crazy you realize that right........listen Ace please just take me home."
I cried a little as I said the word 'home' realizing that I had never picked Maybelle up at my moms house.
That she might be thinking that I left her or forgot about her.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by a loud sound booming through the room. I looked up to see Ace had just punched the wall and there was a decent size dent in it.

He started to yell in my direction "everything that man did to you and you still want to go back home to him! Do you have any self respect ?! He cheated on you !"

His voice was so powerful sounding that my eyes shot down to the floor. I didn't want to look directly at him.

I spoke almost in a whisper back to him " I don't want to go back for him I want to go back for..."

My heart sank for a moment maybe I shouldn't tell him about Maybelle. I mean at this point I can tell that he's a deranged kidnapper and I don't think I want him to know that my daughter exists.

"Who" he said in a stern voice back

"Uh .... never mind ..... it was uh no one" I said just as quietly as before

"What is there another guy in your life ?!" He shouted as he stormed towards the bed.

I quickly put my hands up above my head protecting myself - just like I had learned to do from enduring all those years living with my father. I whimpered silently waiting for the blows to come but nothing ever came. I peeked up through my arms to see Ace standing with a defeated look on his face.

He sat down slowly onto the bed just in front of me. His face had softened now as he reached his hand out to cup my cheek. "Seneca I said that I would never hurt you and I meant it. I may get very angry or upset but I won't ever hit you. Now can you please just tell me why you wanted to go home."

Something inside my heart told me to trust Ace and tell him about My daughter but i just couldn't give into that trust. All of the men in my life had broken my trust and I couldn't bare to have it happen again.

"Can we just let this go Ace ? ...... I'm sorry I just really want to leave. Can't you understand that?"

Apparently he didn't like that answer because he stood up and swiftly walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

Something about him leaving the room gave me a feeling of sadness that I couldn't describe. I finally let all the emotions overtake me. I put my face into the pillow on the bed and just let myself cry.

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