My Mate is Married - Chapter 26

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**was on a role tonight and decided to upload 2 chapters !!! **
Vote and comment please :) !


"So basically what you're telling me is that you were flirting with my mate." I sat on the couch in the living room of my house and fumed.

" Well, I wasn't trying too, but she was blushing so I'm guessing that's how she took it. I just gave her my business card and told her to call me personally if she feels she's in any danger."

"Isaac, I know you're my third in command, but I'm really about to beat your ass right now. I am in absolutely no mood to hear that you made my mate blush." 

"Alpha, you know that as the delta, I'm also the protector of the Luna of this pack. It's in my instinct to make sure she's alright. And with that asshole of a husband aroun...."

"That's it !!" I screamed, cutting him off.
I stood from the couch and with both my hands shoved Isaac to the ground.

It's not really a fair thing to do as alpha, as none of my pack members would ever dare to attack me back.

"Don't you ever speak of him again!" I blurted out letting all of my anger fuel my voice. My wolf was itching to emerge and I started stalking towards Isaac.

I could see the fear in his eyes at this point. But my rage and emotions were in overdrive, as I continued.
I let my canines extend and I knew that my eyes were flickering to a golden green.

Isaac faced his eyes to the ground and bared the side of his neck to me to show that he's submitted. Unfortunately, That still wasn't enough to stop me. I was hurting - so someone else was going to hurt too.

I had almost reached my poor delta when, Derek stepped in front of me. Lucky, for Isaac, Derek is about the only person that could talk me down from the state I'm in.

"Ace listen, your pack members are not the enemy right now. We're all trying to work to help you. And to protect Seneca. We all want to get Seneca back safe and sound just like you." He said calmly

Without taking my eyes off of Isaacs crouched form
"Derek, I don't even know if that's what I want now. Things have become a little more complicated don't you think?"

"Well maybe they have Ace. But the moon goddess puts us all on our own journey with our mate for a reason. Plus, we're you even listening to Isaac when he first arrived? Seneca refuses to rat you out to the police. She's making up an entirely fake story. Even though she left she can't betray her mate."

He's right, I heard them tell me that when they first arrived, but I just couldn't focus on the up side of things at the moment.

"Fine, I'll leave you for now Isaac, but I better not hear about you being anywhere near my mate until I have her back. From now on if she calls you for help you report directly to me and I'll make sure she's ok. Not you." I growled out

"Understood alpha." With that he stood, avoiding eye contact and left out the front door

"You really should go a little easier on him Ace. He's just trying to do his job. He was very proud to become the delta and he was looking forward to protecting the Luna."

"Yeah, well if he's going to do that he better learn how to not piss me off. And he can't really protect a Luna if I don't have one anymore."

As much as I tried to sound tough, I know Derek could hear the sadness laced in my voice.

We both sat down on the couch and Derek sighed.

"You know, the way I see it is she's been betrayed by every important man in her life and when she heard us talking she must have just assumed that you did the same."

I felt my heart fall a little more than it already has. I know that I let my mate down. I should have never betrayed her like that. That's one of the reasons that  i haven't tried to take her again.

"Derek, she has a daughter - with him -what .....what should I do? I mean how can I even try to get Seneca  to leave him again. I know what it's like to not have your parents around, I just don't want to be responsible for messing up that little girls life."

"Ace you had parents that loved and cared about each other. That respected each other. Growing up with parents that don't, is a totally different upbringing. Maybe separating them would make her life better. Plus, you'd be a great step father. I know it's strange role to take on as an alpha werewolf. But don't you think Seneca is worth it?"

"I don't think. I know that she's worth it. But I'm just not sure that's what Seneca wants anyways. When she reached her moms house earlier, I sat outside and listened in. I could hear Seneca and Miles conversation and I'm not sure if she's ready to leave or not."

I reached up and rubbed my hands down my face, frustrated with the situation I'm in. I thought after everything that I've faced in my life that finding my mate would be easy. But I guess that's not the case.

"So what's the plan for now ?" Derek asked curiously

"For now we wait. Keep an eye out on Seneca. It won't be long before that asshole messes up again."

Derek smirked "I like that plan. You know I'm here for you Ace. I know you think that you don't have any family left but you know that we're practically brothers right?"

Derek stood and walked slowly toward the door.

"Yeah I know, I'll call you if I need you. Now get going I know that you're planning to go see Hannah."

Derek blushed and shifted his gaze to the floor.

"Listen, just because I'm having trouble with my mate doesn't mean you can't talk about her. I'm fine.
Now get out of here."

"Got it boss."
Derek chuckled and headed out the door.

Once the front door shut, I headed up the stairs to bed. I walked into the bedroom, the smell of my mate still lingering from the day before.

I climbed into bed and snuggled into the sheets that I refuse to change. Her scent still brings me and my wolf comfort.

As I drift off to sleep, I send out a mind link to Seneca knowing right well that she'll never hear it.

"Sweet dreams my little mate. I know we'll be together soon enough."

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