My Mate is Married - Chapter 27

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Seneca's POV

"Sweet dreams my little mate. I know we'll be together soon enough."

I shot right up in bed as the words rang through my head like Ace had just whispered them in my ear. I looked around the room panicked only to find just my sweet little May still sleeping soundly next to me. Her princess nightlight illuminating the soft pink room.

Its been about a week now since I left Ace's house and made it back home. And other than the fact that I've heard Ace's voice in my head every night like that - Everything seems to be getting back to normal. Well as normal as it can be i guess.

I went back home with Miles. Only because Maybelle asked, after two days at my moms house, if she could please sleep in her own room again. She stayed with my mom while I was 'kidnapped' so by this point she was just ready to get back to home.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her that anything was wrong so we moved back in. I've been sleeping in Mays bed with her and Miles has been on the couch. I just couldn't bring myself to even enter back into our old room.

It just made me sick to my stomach even looking at the bedroom door. All while knowing what happened in their just a few nights ago.

I waited a few days to go back to work and to take May back to preschool. I was still concerned that Ace might try to come for me or even worse May.

I called and spoke with the chief of police and he assured me that I should go back to work and take May back to school and that he would personally keep an eye on both places.

I didn't mind speaking to him on the phone anyways. I know Miles thought he was flirty with me, but I didn't feel that way anymore. Something about talking with Isaac made me feel safe.

I knew I was going to have to get up for work in a few hours so I settled back into bed and fell asleep while snuggling with my sweet little peanut.

It felt like only a few minutes had passed when I heard he alarm clock start blaring in my ears. I sat up and smacked the snooze button.

I crept out of bed quietly, making sure not to wake May. I wanted to have time to get myself ready before she woke up wanting breakfast.

I quickly showered and got dressed for work. I stayed in the bathroom a little longer today as i applied a small amount of make up. I usually didn't do that anymore but I wanted to feel a little better about myself and maybe I could even snag myself a new guy that isn't a complete asshole.

Just before I headed out of the bathroom door, a sudden queezy feeling overcame me and I leaned towards the toilet. After emptying the contents of my stomach, I wiped my mouth with a washcloth and brushed my teeth.

I looked up into the mirror. My cheeks looked a little flushed so I reached into the medicine cabinet and grabbed the thermometer. I read the screen and realized that I had a fever of 101.3 degrees. Huh ? That's odd, I can't remember the last time that I got sick.

I stared into the mirror as I heard a light knock on the door. "Hey, Seneca you alright?" Miles said softly from the other side.

"Yeah, Miles I just have a small fever, I'm good."

The door started to open and Miles leaned inside.
"You sure you don't need anything? I can't remember the last time you were sick."

I turned to look at Miles and couldn't help but notice he wasn't wearing a shirt. His body was definitely sculpted. Its expected as He still made sure to go to the gym every other day since we've been married. (Which is another thing we never agreed on)

But it was hard not to stare. I haven't actually seen Miles body in quite a while. We may be married but we didn't sleep together or well anything else lately that involves not having clothes on.

"Uh, Seneca are you... are you checking me out?"

"What ? Uh no.... gosh I'm just not feeling so well, so uh I must have been staring off." I stammered my words trying to think of an excuse.

Miles stepped into the bathroom slowly, not breaking eye contact with me once. "You know it's not a problem if you were. I mean I check you out all the time." He spoke smoothly as I walked backwards away from him.

He now was right in front of me and had my back pressed lightly against the bathroom wall.
He leaned in and pressed his body against mine and I could feel the bulge in his pants against my core.

I gasped at the feeling and stared into his eyes. I was silent unsure of what to say at this point. Was I ... was I horny for him?

He reached his right hand up and cupped my cheek as his other hand ran down my side and landed on my hip. The contact with Miles was killing me. I'm normally not like this with him and honestly I've been repulsed by what he did to me, but now, right in this moment I wanted him to f*ck me.

I reached my fingers out and traced them slowly along the lines between his abs. I worked them down inch by inch towards the waistband of his sweatpants that were hanging dangerously low on his hips.

I ran my fingers along his v- line and I could feel myself get wet, as I thought about what's at the end of that line.

I looked back up to meet Miles eyes and he started to lean his face towards mine. He started by kissing the spot just behind my ear and I moaned at the contact, pushing my hips forward against him.

His lips worked their way down sucking and kissing along my neck. It was driving me absolutely wild. It was like it was igniting my body to the core.

Then his lips touched it. Ace's mark. And man did it burn. I leaped to the side away from Miles and he looked at me confused.

It was like the pain from the mark went straight to my heart and I started to feel guilty. Guilty about Ace . Guilty about letting Miles get back in so easily.

And on top of the guilt I was hot. Not just horny hot, but just hot hot. I was heating up.

Miles tried to step towards me again but I put my hand out to stop him.

"I.... I need to get a cold shower I think that this fever is getting to me. Can you uh, go check on May please ?"

He looked at me with a cross between shock and hurt. He turned away and walked quietly out of the bathroom.

I jumped right into the shower and ran the cold water over my hot skin.

"Ugh what is happening to me." I said aloud as I ran my hands over my face.

Well, I don't care how sick I feel, I'm going in to work. No way am I staying home. Miles is off today and there is no way I can be here alone with him.

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