My Mate is Married - Chapter 16

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Seneca and Ace from last chapter ⬆️

Miles POV

I woke up this morning to a very empty house.
I walked around aimlessly thinking about all of the choices that I've made that have led me to this point.

My eyes drifted to a family portrait on the wall of the three of us. And I thought about how much of a hard time I gave Seneca the day she set up the portrait session with the photographer.

I know that Ive made some mistakes. I know I have an asshole personality. But when I sit down and am really truly honest with myself i know that I deeply love Seneca.

It's not just about her looks either. I always thought that it was. I really did love her blonde hair and blue eyes but I'd be kidding myself if I said my wife wasn't still - really hott.

And that's truly not the only reason I fell for her in high school. I definitely was attracted to her good looks and the fact that I had to work hard to gain her attention. I was tired of the girls that threw themselves all over me.

But it wasn't just that either. Seneca still doesn't know that I know this. Years ago I was so determined to make her mine that I may have stalked her just a slight bit.

I noticed that she would skip cheer practice every once in a while and I always wondered where she was headed. So one day I decided to follow her. (I know super creepy 😬)

Anyways, I followed Seneca who had left her house still in her cheer uniform, which is strange because I knew that wasn't where she was headed.

Cautiously I crept between cars and buildings, keeping my distance just far away enough that I could still see her.

I watched as she walked into the local gas station and then into the bathroom. She came back out in just plain yoga pants and a hoodie. (Something I had never seen Seneca in before)

She then headed a few blocks away and stopped right in front of the public library. Once inside I followed closely as she searched the rows and rows of books and then finally chose one.

After choosing the book, Seneca made her way to a secluded corner of the library and snuggled up on a bean bag. I watched through a small space in the shelves, as she read quietly, every once in a while looking around to make sure no one was watching.

She looked so sweet and innocent snuggled up to a good book. I assumed that she liked to keep a certain appearance at school but I actually quite liked seeing this 'comfier side' of Seneca. And the yoga pants didn't look too bad either 😉

Plus the whole mystery of finding out secrets about Seneca intrigued me as well. I was even more determined now to make sure she was mine.

Unfortunately for me, I had no one at home to talk to about the mysterious girl I was chasing in high school.

Nope, I didn't get much advice growing up other than 'make money and look good doing it'
That was my dads catch phrase. So about the only help I got from him in life was financial.

He had left my mother when I was very young and she sadly didn't fight for custody because of his large amount of money and power. Shortly after he married some young bimbo with literally fake everything.

But, that's exactly what my dad strived for perfection even if you had to change yourself to get there.

He absolutely loved Seneca at first, I mean she was absolutely gorgeous. In fact I'm pretty sure my d*ck of a sad flirted with her the first day I brought her home.

Once he met her though he had someone from his company do a little digging and found out she had almost no money, a single mom, and a now long gone abusive father.

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