Chapter 40

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This has been long overdue !!
Sorry for the wait - I'm finally getting back to it !
Thank you so much for all the reads and likes 💗💗
I CAN NOT believe we're at 21k read !!


I've been running for days now trying to find my sweet Seneca. We followed her scent all the way to the closest airport and that's were my best trackers lost it.

I had them check all of the planes for a scent that could maybe lead us in a possible direction, but it was no use.

We know now that they must have used a private plane. And Miles must have someone on the inside because there is no scheduled flight plans listed for any private planes in the last few weeks.

I've been trying to contact other alphas across the country to see if they had any ideas about any hunters hide outs across the US and I'm still waiting to hear back.

Hunters always think their hideouts are completely hidden and impenetrable but we werewolves just usually steer clear of those places because it'd be like walking into a trap.

My wolf can feel that Seneca is okay but that her soul is broken. There is a sadness that begins to overwhelm you when you are away from your mate or if you feel rejected by them.

I'm not sure what stories Miles has made up, but I'm sure they portray me as the big bad wolf.

And after the other night in the field, when I didn't show up to save her from those rogues- well I'm sure that only helped to boost his story.

I'm just so ashamed of myself that I wasn't able to control myself enough around her to make sure that she made it home safe from that spa.

Looking back now it could have changed everything.

There's no way I would have allowed those rogues to touch my mate. Issac couldn't handle them but this alpha would have ended them in a heartbeat.

But sadly Myles was her savior this time. And for that I am grateful in a sense. He saved her from what could have happened.

But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to rip him to shreds as soon as I find him. No one takes my mate away from me.

Once I have my Seneca back in my arms again I'm going to start over the way I should have from the beginning.

I should have worried more about figuring out a way to make her fall in love with me instead of how to make her leave Miles.

The moon goddess works in mysterious ways but I'm not sure why our journey has to be so difficult.

With that thought I could hear the phone ringing in my office and run with werewolf speed to grab it.

"Hey Ace it's alpha Darren from out in Indiana.
My trackers have been searching the surrounding area near one of the known hunters camps. They used the clothing you provided to try to pick up your Luna's scent and one of them thinks they might have  picked up on it."

"Alright, that's amazing ! Please thank them for their diligent work. I'll be on my private plane headed there within the hour."

"No disrespect to you alpha Ace, I know that if my Luna was missing I would be exactly the same. But coming from a level thinking - your Luna is in no real danger as you say. Then you going straight there may create chaos and danger for her.

I possibly have a informant on the inside of this place - a hunter that had switched sides when he found his mate was a werewolf. Let me see if I can get a hold of him first. I'm sure you're being watched as well so as soon as you leave they may put out an alert."

I snarled inwardly at the thought of someone besides me being there for my mate. But I know he's completely right. If I make he wrong move Miles could move Seneca to another camp before I can get to her.

"Thank you Darren. Please try to get a hold of this informant within the next three hours. If I don't hear back from you by then- my logic goes out the window and they'll be hell to pay for anyone left in that camp."

"Understood- if you get a call from an unknown caller make sure to answer, I may have him try to get a direct line to your Luna if she's alone."

With that we hung up and i started to tear through my entire house. My wolf was right on the edge of emerging being so helpless to get to my Luna.

I've tried night after night to reach out to her in her dreams. To let her somehow know that I still love her so much. But I can tell the connection we have is shut off. She must feel so betrayed by whatever she's been told about me.

I can't do this anymore, my mind can't stay sane in my human form. I just need to let go. I felt my body start the transformation. I could hear the cracking of my bones as I shifted.

Just as my body crumpled to the floor one thing brought me back. A sound.

I could just barely make it out, but it pulled me back. It stopped my beast from emerging.

One sound. A ringing.

- but who will be on the other line ?!

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