Chapter 33

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Seneca POV

"Hmm human and in heat ? Well I haven't seen that one in a very long time. I can't believe your alpha would let his precious Luna out in such a state."

The man said, still keeping his lips close to my ear.

I tried to scream once again but unfortunately his hand still had a iron grip over my mouth - causing just barely audible muffled noises to come out.

"Awe screaming will do you no good my sweet....  we already have your friend over here as well."

I turned my head slowly staring into the darkness as I watched another fully naked man dragging poor Issac towards us.

He was staggering and appeared to be barely conscious. His hands were tied together, his clothes completely tattered and he had blood trailing down from various spots on his body.

Tears began pouring down my face as I realized that my only exit to safety was now just as useless as me.

"Awe don't cry, sweet Luna. Well make sure to take very good care of you. And now that I know you're in heat - you'll want me just as much as I want you."

His free hand lingered down my neck and landed on my chest as he roughly felt all around for himself.
He continued his assault as he whispered in my ear.

"Now I'm going to take my other hand off of your mouth. If your a good girl and don't scream - maybe I won't kill your friend over there."

I scanned my eyes back to Issac now noticing the gun the other man held aimed at His head.

I looked back at the man on top of me. Even in the dark I could see the weathered look to his face. His skin was tan and rough like he lived outdoors. And he had faint scarring like he had fought throughout his whole life.

I knew from his appearance that he was a 'rouge'. Ace had briefly told me about wolves that leave their pack and live on their own.

A shiver ran through me at the realization that this was a man that would follow through with his words.

I barely nodded my head as tears continued to stream down my face. I can't believe that this is happening.

My only shred of relief falls in the fact that Issac was smart enough to get May out of here.

The man removed his hand and I took a big breath in of the oxygen that I hadn't realized I was missing. Silent sobs escaped my lips, as he stared into my eyes.

He reached for the buttons lining the center of my shirt. It only took a second for him to rip my shirt wide open.

"Let her go!" Issac growled out, as he attempted to pull away from the man holding him.

But before He could make another sound the man knocked him out cold. Hitting him in the back of the head with something, but the tears in my eyes mixed with the darkness made it hard to make it out.

I held in my scream as I watched my only chance of getting out of this hit the ground hard.

The two men chuckled as they watched his body go limp.

With the man still on top of me and with what I just witnessed, I started to hyperventilate, suddenly feeling the weight of both this man and the seriousness of the situation I've landed myself in.

The man on top of me ignored my struggles and continued his assault using his hands to grope anywhere he pleased.

I felt more pressure against me as he leaned in closer, placing his lips against my neck.

It wasn't until he made contact with my skin that I realized that he was kissing right on top of aces mark.

My body may have been betraying me before, but now it felt like my skin was being burned off.

I tried to scream but the man covered his hand over my mouth and continued. I tried desperately to wriggle out of thie man's hold but it was just no use.

It was too much. I wasn't getting out of here and I finally excepted it.

I let my body go limp giving up any of the fight I had left and closed my eyes.

In one last effort I tried to reach out in my mind to Ace. I tried pushing my pain,my feeling, my cry for help out to him.

Suddenly a loud bang rang through the air. I opened my eyes just in time to watch the man on top of me fly right off and land just to my right.

I tried to jump up, to run, but spotted the other man that had been holding Issac run towards me.

Another bang sounded out through the darkness and the man fell flat on his face just inches from me.

It took a second for my mind to process but I realized now what the sound was. Both men had been shot. And rather skillfully at that.

I stared into the darkness waiting for my savior to come into view.

Was I really able to call out to Ace that quickly?

I watched as a figure came just into view. I stared almost in shock as I watched the barely visible body of a man aim something down towards Samuels now limp body.

"Wait!!" I screamed jumping up to stop my savior from killing Issac

I ran straight towards him shouting for him to stop. In all my emotions I underestimated how far the distance was between us and ended up running right into him knocking us both to the ground.

Now Laying on top of him I stared into my saviors eyes.


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