Chapter 43

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Update 😊😊😊

Seneca POV

"You piece of sh*t, you better let me go right now!"

I screamed at the man whose currently holding me in a bear hug move.

"Sorry miss, just following bosses orders. Could you stop squirming so much ? He'll kill me if there's any bruises on you."

"Uh no i can't, thank you very much. Let me goooooooo." I screamed as loud as I could attempting to attract the attention of people around me.

But everyone just kept going about there day like nothing to see here. Idiots.

I stopped squirming and tried to think of a plan to get this man to let me go.

He's been holding onto me ever since Miles came bursting into my dressing room and grabbed the phone from my hands.

Unfortunately, I couldn't hear much of the conversation he continued to have with Ace. I could just see his mouth moving. All because this meat head behind me had to pull me away instantly.

Okay got an idea 💡

"Hey meat head? If you let me go now I promise I won't get you in trouble."

"Trouble for what? Sorry lady I can't let you go, Miles would end me."

"Fine, your choice then, I guess." I smirked as I tried to turn my head to get a better look at him.

"Omg ! Stop trying to cop a feel buddy! Miles will be so mad !" I screamed as loud as I could hoping wherever miles went to her can hear it.

My plan worked perfectly! Before the big guy could even blink Miles came turning the bend. He looked like he was on a mission.

Meat head quickly let go of me and put his hands up in surrender. "B,b,b,b,boss let me explain."

But before he could get his explanation out.
Boom - miles punched the guy square in the face, knocking him backwards in the process.

"Don't test me right now, Gary." Miles yelled in frustration

"Boss I would never touch your wife like that! She made it up!"

"Of course, I know that Gary. You don't have a death wish, but whatever you did made her mad enough to yell like that to get me here."

Meat head pulled himself off the ground, held his head low and headed out of the shop.

So now it was just me and miles. Standing in silence.
I'm so mad at him for storming in like that. He might be the boss of all these other people but NOT me.

He inched closer to me "Seneca, baby why didn't you tell me you found that phone. You put us in a lot of danger making that call."

"Oh cut the crap Miles. Why are you being so nice about this ?"

"Because baby, I know why you did it. You're just confused. See I found out from someone that Alpha Ace was definitely the one that kidnapped you and my inside sources are telling me that you were already starting to believe,  you might be his mate.

That somehow you two were destined to be together. I told you Seneca that he's using you to get to me. That's it. He brain washed you from the moment he took you. I mean what kind of good, sweet man would kidnap you?"

"I don't know maybe the same kind that would cheat on me in my own bedroom."

"Ouch. I deserved that. But Seneca I'm trying. I'm trying to win you back. I'm trying to keep us all safe. I'm trying to make you happy. Honestly I am."

I looked at him and he looked so sincere in his words but that same message from Ace kept ringing in my ears. Listen to your heart and it will lead you to the truth.

And right now everything inside me was craving for Ace. The second I heard his voice my heart started racing and I could almost feel the tingles that he made erupt on my skin.

Hearing his deep voice say, my sweet Seneca, made me have all the feels. If I had actually known where we were I probably would have told him right then.

My mother bear side is still unsure though. No matter how I feel I will always protect May as my number one priority. And even if Ace is telling the truth, would a life with him be safe for May anyways. But on the other hand would a life with Miles 'the hunter' be safe either?

Feeling defeated and confused I just asked Miles if we could please just go back to the compound, I was just ready to sleep.


Miles POV

The drive home with Seneca has been silent so far. She refuses to talk to me.

I just can't believe someone managed to sneak in and slip her a phone. It has to mean someone is working for the werewolves on the inside of the compound. No way a werewolf could make it in here undetected.

If someone left the phone here, then they've probably already disclosed are location. It would still be nearly impossible to make it into the compound unless they brought multiple packs with them.

And the worst part about all this is that she almost was able to stay on that call longer. Luckily the man that was giving me her gift to wear later had just brought it.

I thought she could try it on a little early before we got home. So I walked up to the dressing room to hand it to her. Imagine my surprise when I hear her talking to someone.

Luckily, I stopped it before she could get any vital information from him.

Well, time to break the silence.
"So, I am sorry I pulled the phone off of you Seneca. I'm not trying to control you, I just want to keep us safe. And he could have been tracking that phone and found us outside of the compound. And I just can't even think about someone hurting you."

Seneca stares off into space as if she couldn't even hear me ... like she was in a trance or something.

"Seneca did you hear me ?"

Again no response - just staring off.

"Do you smell that ?" She finally blurted out

"Smell what ?" Wondering what the heck was going

"It's like the best smell ever. Like vanilla or I can't quite place it."

She continued sniffing the air for a moment and then stopped shrugging her shoulders.

She reached her hand forward for the AC button on the dash and turned it down all the way.

"Seneca, what are you doing it's pretty darn cold out tonight."

"Really? Suddenly, I'm feeling really hott."

🥵 Dun. Dun. Dun.

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