My Mate is Married -Chapter 30

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Seneca's POV

I sat on the massage table waiting for the blonde lady that brought me in here to return. She said I should strip down to nothing but panties, put on this fluffy white robe and then she'd be back.

I feel kinda awkward being completely naked. Well almost naked I guess. but this lacy thong I'm wearing really doesn't cover much.

I mean I know you lie facing down for the massage but i just feel exposed right now like when you're waiting for the doctor to come in for an exam.

Finally, after a few minutes of waiting the woman returned with what she called a 'a cooling cucumber mask.

"Alright, I'll turn away so you can remove your robe. Then if you could just lie facing down on the table with your face towards the circular cushion. Then just place that mask over your eyes and prepare to relax !"

I waited until I was sure that the lady was turned around before dropping my robe and practically leaping onto the table. I just couldn't wait to feel the security of the table against my now naked self.

Once on the table I reached for the cooling mask and placed it over my eyes. The cooling sensation against my eyes really helped to soothe my nerves. It was like it blocked out the whole world for me. I didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore -almost like well what I can't see -can't be awkward right ?

"Okay honey, now that you're all situated I'm just going to light some of this lavender incense to help you relax and I'll head out and get the masseuse."

"Wait, you're not the masseuse?"
I asked a, little curious as I didn't notice any other people in the whole place when I walked in.

"Oh no !, I'm just the assistant. I take calls and get the clients all set up. Then it's the masseuses turn."

"Okay that's fine, I just didn't notice anyone when I came in earlier."

She chuckled, "they must have been in the back room, Okay well I'm headed out. He will be in, in just a second.

As she shut the door, a small gust of lavender incense blew in my direction. For just a moment it helped me relax and I felt like my body sank a little further into the table.

My thoughts started to wander. And then suddenly it hit me. He. Uh oh. It IS a guy masseuse. Just what I wanted I guess.

I just hope I don't get too ugh, excited, I think is the word I'm looking for.

In a slight panic I pulled the cooling mask down and looked for a towel. Luckily, the lady must have set one right on the shelf beside my head.

I quickly grabbed it and threw it over my butt, making me feel at least a little less exposed.
Ok Seneca, you can do this. You deserve this.

You'll be fine. Just keep it cool. Just like this cooling mask. So I pulled the mask down over my eyes and relaxed back into the table.

Just as I settled in I heard the door creak open and the lavender scent hit me strong once again. It felt like the aroma was taking over, almost surrounding me.

I just laid there quietly, feeling kind of awkward. I mean what do you do at this point. Strike up a conversation while your face down with your eyes shut.

Nope I think I'll just keep the awkward silence going.
The next thing I knew I could hear a bottle squeeze above me and the warm liquid roll down my back.

Then his fingers reached forward and grazed just over the liquid. I jumped a bit at the contact because something about his hands felt strange.

"Sorry about that, I'm wearing these new massaging gloves. They have kind of a odd texture." He said in a muffled voice

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