My Mate is Married -Chapter 9

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Picture of Seneca's daughter Maybelle above ⬆️

(Short chapter)
Seneca's mothers POV

I don't mind having sleepovers with my granddaughter - I actually really enjoy the time with her.

She loves playing on the swing set outside in my backyard and I always enjoy watching her from my kitchen window.

I couldn't believe how much she resembles Seneca when she was a little girl. Curly brown hair, soft olive skin tone, and bright green eyes.

For a split second today I felt like i was back in time watching Seneca play. Too bad i had to repress as many of those past memories as possible.

If it had actually been Seneca outside playing, she would have had to be very quiet as not to disturb her fathers daily hangover naps.

If he would happen to wake - it would have been my fault that Seneca was being too loud and he would have beat me and then went for her next.

I can't tell you how many black eyes I had to cover up during Seneca's childhood. He used to treat me like trash and my self worth was really damaged by it.

When he left me it ruined me even more- realizing that even a drunk bast*rd wasn't interested in me.

That's why I worked so hard to make sure Seneca had a different life than me. I made sure she always looked beautiful so that she could attract the right kind of man.

I always pushed her to change her hair and her eyes because I knew that's what the higher class men were interested in. I also made sure that she held herself Above the other girls at school.

Confidence is always key to keeping a mans interest and making sure others feel less important helps to show them how much more important you are as well.

I made her practice everyday for hours over the summer her sophomore year to ensure that she would become the captain of the cheer squad. I knew that this would help to boost her image as well.

I was so ecstatic when I found out that Seneca was dating Miles the captain of the football team. His family was wealthy and he was raised to be such a gentleman.

And even though Seneca had planned to go to college, I was still so very excited when she finally told me that Miles and her were expecting a child.
It was perfect because i was worried that he would lose interest in her if she moved away or appeared to be too concerned with her studies.

I wanted the perfect life for my daughter and I did everything in my power to make sure that it happened for her. And it did. If nothing else at least I paved the future for her and May.

Seneca hasn't picked up Maybelle for two nights in a row now though and I was starting to get a little worried. Seneca has never been able to sleep away from Maybelle. Not once.

I decided to give Miles another call.

I was only on the phone for a few minutes but Miles reassured me that Seneca just needed another night away at the spa. That poor girl only worries about Maybelle and her job anymore so I'm sure it will do her some good.

Maybe I'll even call her and see if she'd like to stop at the salon on the way home and get her hair dyed again. I know Miles always loved her blonde hair.

He really was the perfect husband for Seneca.

Miles POV

Seneca's mom had called me again wondering why Seneca hasn't been by yet to pick up May.

I just played it off and told her she needed another day at the spa. I couldn't possibly explain what actually happened between us.

If she didn't show back up at home by tonight I was just going to pick up May and bring her home with me to sleep.

I was definitely starting to worry for two reasons. One Seneca has never, ever left May overnight. I've even tried to get her to go away just the two of us but she was never comfortable having our daughter sleep away from us.

Two - she never came back to get her car. It was still just sitting in the drive way, in the same spot she had parked it two days ago.

She just took off running down the street instead of coming back to find her keys. The last thing I saw was her running into the darkness.

She doesn't really have too many friends in the area that she could stay with and I called the supermarket and found out that she never showed up to work.

She must be pretty mad at me to stay away this long.
I guess I'm going to have to start making up my plan to get her back.

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