Chapter 37

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This chapter dedicated to reader Rldue7 for my 300th vote !! Thanks so much to everyone out there reading ! 💗

Keep voting, commenting, and give me a follow ! 👍

Seneca's POV

I was blinded by bright lights as my eyes started to open. For a moment I felt so disoriented that I couldn't quite sort out what was going on.

Lying  on my back I tried to blink to help adjust my eyes to my surroundings. As soon as I got my vision straight I stared at the bright basement style lighting hanging down from the cement ceiling.

I lay still as I tried to work back through what had happened to me.

I was at the hospital, and the nurse she came to do blood work. And then what..... then she, she injected me with something.

I launched myself upward in a panic. Only to realize that I was stuck. My arm was currently cuffed to the small cot that I was laying on.

I looked around the room quickly hoping to see something anything that could help me.

As I scanned the room I noticed that it was a lot cleaner than I would expect for a prison or a dungeon or wherever I am.

It was definitely clean and definitely empty. There's nothing here except for me and this bed. I continued to look hoping there might be a window or any opening that could help me get out of here.

The only way out was a large Steel door that I could tell I wasn't getting through anytime soon.

I started yanking on the handcuffs and sliding my arm hoping to either slide out of it or maybe break it free.

The noise I was making must have been noticed because before I knew it, the steel door screeched open and I watched in terror as two strange men walked in.

They seemed to be casually entering this dungeon as if there wasn't a prisoner in here. Holding a conversation and laughing.

They both noticed my presence at the same time and stood stiffly.

"Oh crap she's awake!"
"Hurry go get the boss"
One of the men yelped out to the other.

I don't know what came over me but when they said 'boss' I freaked

"No, no , no please don't get the boss. Just let me go please!!!" I frantically screamed to the man that was left standing in front of me.

He seemed to have a look of sympathy on his face for me - maybe he'll let me go.

He took a step towards me and i started desperately pulling on the cuffs "please don't hurt me, just let me go !! I won't tell anyone you took me just, just pl...."

I was cut off by the man speaking.
"Woah, woah, calm down there a bit lady. We're not here to hurt you, were here to save you. The boss will be here any minute to explain."

With that the other man that had left entered the room and said I got the boss.

I stared at the doorway anticipating seeing this 'boss' that was trying to 'save me'

A figure entered through the doorway.

I flinched wondering what kind of person would knock me out, kidnap me, and cuff me to help keep me safe?

"Miles ? Since when are you a boss of anything ?! If you don't get these handcuffs off right n..." I yelled attempting to stand so that I could give him a piece of my mind.

He walked towards me smirking at my angry reaction. "Calm down, Seneca I'll explain everything. I'll un cuff you but you'll probably want to stay sitting down for this."

Miles POV (previously)

I walked out the ER doors and into the parking lot.

I had already texted one of my guys earlier to come pick me up at the hospital. The same guy that was also sent out to figure out why some random rogue werewolves were targeting my wife.

I already assumed that my past had caught up with me and that I was found to be a hunter.

But usually rogues don't want to mess with hunters. It's more of a pack thing.

I climbed in the passengers side door of the black suv. "Alright, what do you have for me Mac?"
I asked as I turned to face the driver.

Mac had been with me since I first started training as a hunter. He was also born into a hunters family but the bloodline skipped him with a certain level of abilities. Therefore, he became more of an assistant of sorts to me.

"Well, boss I don't think your going to like this information. I found out that the rogues were after Seneca because of who's she's married too."

"Yeah, well I figured as much. But how did they find out about me. I haven't hunted in so long and I was always careful to hide my...."

"Uh, let me stop you right there boss. It's not you that they think Seneca is Married to. Apparently they were under the impression that she was the mate to one of the local alphas of a pack. Alpha Ace."

"So this is what.... some case of mistaken identity or something ?!"

"Well, it seems to be that some of our inside sources are saying that Seneca is indeed the destined mate of this Alpha Ace guy."

"Apparently, they believe that he may have been the initial kidnapper."

I sit quietly trying to control myself, my anger.
How could life send me this twist of fate.
The wife of a hunter is somehow the destined mate of an alpha werewolf. Yeah, f*ck, whatever moon goddess they believe in. This is NOT happening!

"Ok, so let's just eliminate this guy, right ? We have inside sources so we can obviously have this taken care of." I say to Mac trying desperately to contain my emotions at this point.

"That could be a possibility except for a few things,
One — killing an alpha will wage an all out war, alpha Ace is one of the most powerful alphas in the area and his death would tip off other packs from around the country. We don't necessarily want that kind of target on our backs......."

"We've taken out entire packs before, and we've seen war. This is my wife we're talking about- I'll do whatever it takes."

"And with that - brings me to my number two reason. If it is true that Seneca was kidnapped by this alpha before, that means that she has already come in contact with her 'mate' and by killing him you may be inadvertently killing her as well."

My heart stops for a moment at the realization. As a hunter we know a lot about werewolf rituals and how the mate bond affects them. By killing a werewolf's mate your almost doing them one worse than just killing them. Sometimes it drives them mad, sometimes they just feel so broken that they have trouble just existing.

I've already caused Seneca so much pain. I cant make her into a shell of a person. But I'll be damned if I let another man have my wife.

"Okay so eliminating him isn't an option. And I'm not thinking an alpha werewolf will just give up the idea of having his mate back. So what's our options Mac ?"

"The best idea I have at this point is to go into hiding. Far from here and very soon before anyone starts getting suspicious. And you need to get Seneca out of that hospital now before she talks to that Issac guy. Especially now that he knows what you are."

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