Chapter 35

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Miles POV

Seneca eventually climbed off of me and crawled her way over to her 'friend' Issac. Little did she know that he's a monster really.

A monster I was planning on getting rid of when I thought he was in on whatever was happening to Seneca.

I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner and to think of all the things that may have been covered up by that liar of a police chief.

About an hour ago some other officers showed up to our house and made me and May move to a different location near by. They explained that we may be in danger because of Senecas kidnapper and that they were sending the police chief to go get her.

I sat in this random house in town that they were using as our 'alternate location' for about twenty minutes before I couldn't stand it - I had to make sure Seneca was alright.

I left May in the care of my mother in-law who they had also picked up along the way and snuck out the back door.

I got in my truck and headed straight for our house to check. Making sure that I had my gun strapped to my side - already loaded with my silver bullets, just in case.

You see silver bullets are used to kill werewolves. Yeah I said 'werewolves'.

I hadn't had to kill one in quite some time. But I had been trained to do just that my whole life.

It's how my father got to be so wealthy. We come from a long line of werewolf hunters and it seems to be in our bloodline that we're quite good at the job.
Towns used to pay my dad behind closed doors to get rid of their problems.

My father had no real regard for the life of any of them. He saw them all as monsters that needed to be taken out.

I on the other hand have only disposed of a werewolf if they were attacking or chasing after a human. I don't make it my life's work to go around and kill families, and children just because they're werewolves.

As long as they keep to themselves I have no reason to bother with them. That is something that always pushed my dad and me away from each other.

But now I'm thinking that maybe my past is catching up to me. Maybe these men kidnapped Seneca before and were now coming after her because of me.

As some sort of revenge on a hunter. I needed to find out more about what's happening so I knew I needed to get this police chief some medical attention so I could question him on my terms.

But before I called an ambulance, I needed to make sure to get my guys to come pick up the werewolves I shot. I don't need any murder trials coming up for me. That's the last thing a hunter needs is to publicize an event like this.

I made a call and then headed over to Seneca to help her untie this Issac guy- who was still out cold. In the mean time it kept her distracted while my guys silently came in to take out the bodies.

After they disappeared, I called for an ambulance for Issac. We sat on the ground and Seneca cried silently and asked what needed to be done for the men that had attacked her.

I whispered in her ear that we would talk later but as far as anyone was concerned we needed to say that they took off into the woods.

At this point she jumped up and ran towards where the men had been realizing that they were now gone.

"Miles! What happened to them? We have to tell someone what happened! They're horrible men. Are you worried you'll get in trouble for shooting them?"

Issac is the police chief he and I were both in danger and you saved us. No one is going to find you at fault. Her eyes pleaded to me to do the right thing. And in stood silently debating how to explain all of this to her.

When a raspy whisper of a voice came from the police chief - still lying on the ground. "He's right Seneca. We need to keep this quiet for a little while."

He shot me a look and I sent one right back. Both silently acknowledging that we knew each other's secrets.

Seneca nodded at the both of us. She must have trust in that police officer for some reason because she had no words against it after he spoke up.

The ambulance showed up and all three of us ride in the back. Issac and Seneca both needed to get checked out and I wasn't about to let her ride in that ambulance alone with him.

Once this is all over and we get back I'm going to have to explain everything to Seneca. I just don't know if she's ready to find out about my past or the fact that all this time there has been werewolves living amongst us.

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