My Mate is Married - Chapter 7

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Ace's POV

I sat outside my bedroom listening to Seneca's crying. I didn't want to upset her like that but I was so mad that she might have a different guy in her life that she wanted to leave here for.

I assumed that Miles would be out of the picture after what happened last night but maybe there was another guy that already held her interest.

I knew that if I got angry in front of her again that she would be afraid so I did the only thing that I could and stormed out of the room. I was so ready to shift that I ripped my shirt off and headed down the stairs towards the front door.

Luckily, my beta Derek had heard us upstairs and was waiting for me. He stopped me just before the door and I growled towards him, not ready for another one of his lectures.

He put his hands up in surrender "Listen Ace, listen close - do you hear your mate crying upstairs? Stop for a minute and really listen."

I paused and honed in on my enhanced hearing and focused on the sounds coming from the bedroom. I could hear my mates sobs and the desperation in her cries. She had to be so scared.... I mean being kidnapped especially after what happened to her last night. Her nerves have to be completely shot.

I felt my heart soften for her. My wolf calmed and I turned on my heel and headed back up towards the hallway outside of my bedroom door.

On my way up the stairs Derek said "Remember Ace she is your other half, the moon goddess chooses our mates for a reason." (Ugh another lecture)

I continued to listen at the door until her had crying stopped and I assumed she had fallen asleep. I crept into the room quietly and noticed that she was still whimpering in her sleep.

I walked over and laid down on the bed knowing that the mate bond would help to calm her.

I snuggled close to her and wrapped my arms around her. I felt her lean into my chest and her whimpers slowly stopped. She was finally sleeping peaceful so I decided to close my eyes too.

I was woke up to hands hitting against my chest. I opened my eyes to see Seneca desperately trying to push me away from her.

I know how all this looked to her. It looked like I was the creepy kidnapper trying to cop a feel while she was asleep. And I'm sure it didn't help that I was no longer wearing a shirt.

I knew I needed to tell her the truth. To explain everything to her - but man did she need to calm down first. She was at it again like yesterday screaming and yanking at the rope on her wrist.

"Stop screaming" I said in my alpha tone
She stopped screaming and looked at me curiously.

"Listen Seneca, I know that the rope had to be irritating your wrist - if you promise to stop screaming I'll take it off for you."

She agreed so I walked over to her slowly and she sat down on the edge of the bed.

I crouched down so that I was more at eye level with her and lifted her arm. I realized that she had goose bumps suddenly covering her forearm. I smirked to myself - happy to see that she too felt the sparks between us.

Once her wrist was free I rubbed it gently with my hand attempting it soothe it. I looked up and met her eyes only to realize that she was silently checking me out.

"Take a picture, it will last longer" I said with a smirk on my face.

She immediately looked away her cheeks blushing from embarrassment. "How can you act so normal right now Ace ! ..... You do realize that you kidnapped me right?" She half yelled at me

"Well I wouldn't really call it kidnapping as you're not really a kid.....but I get your point." I said with a big smile on my face.

She didn't appreciate that comment one bit because She started storming rather quickly towards the bedroom door. Just as she started to open it I slammed it shut.

"Look Seneca I'm sorry .... I realize that this isn't an ideal situation for you so why don't we sit down and I'll answer any questions you have. But.... once I'm done answering all of your questions you owe me."

"Owe you what" she spat back - a blush was now forming on her cheeks and I realized what she must have thought I meant by that comment

I laughed "All I want Seneca is for you to tell me who you were talking about last night. The person that you had to go home for..."

"Well I guess I really don't have a choice in the matter now do I Ace.." she said in a sarcastic tone

I walked to the bed and sat down and motioned for her to sit next to me. Instead she walked over the other side of the bed and sat as far away from me as possible.

"Okay lets get this over with" she said
"First of all why did you kidnap me ?"

"Easy one ... you refused to come with me willingly" i knew she wouldn't like that answer

She rolled her eyes and continued "Why did you want me to come with you in the first place?"

"Because you're my mate and I could tell you were in pain from what happened with Miles. I couldn't just let you go back to him."

"Wait that's right how did you know what happened with Miles ?"

"Well, I was already outside your house .....because I was hoping to see you." I know I was lying but I couldn't let her know that I set her up to walk in on Miles ....not yet anyway

" okay that's not creepy at all ....... why do you keep calling me your mate? I mean I now some people believe in finding a soul mate but you seem obsessed with the idea"

I wasn't sure how to answer this question without coming completely clean about everything so I figured I'd might as well explain it all.

"Seneca I'm not exactly what you'd call human ..... I'm something else ...... my people, well we're different and we have actual mates that were chosen for us by the universe."

I could tell Seneca didn't believe me because she was trying hard to hold back her laughter.

- "Ace what could you possibly mean by you're 'not human' ?"

"I'm a werewolf and not only that but I'm something called an Alpha werewolf which is kinda like a leader to other werewolves."

And the laughter began. Seneca was nearly in tears when she began speaking again.

" you can not honestly think that I would believe you're a werewolf. Am I supposed to believe that one night a full moon will appear in the sky and bam you'll morph into some large grey dog?"

I smirked at her typical human knowledge of our race. "No not at all ...... actually we can morph whenever we want and my wolf's fur is actually more of a dark shiny black thank you very much !"

I know that by this point she had to be thinking that I was crazy. She just stared at me dumbfounded by my answer. I reached up and rubbed my face realizing that this conversation was going to be harder than I thought.

"listen Seneca can I at least explain the mate thing to you so that you might better understand all this?" She nodded her head and I began....

"Mates are an amazing thing Seneca. Once you find them you're drawn to them and you have this feeling inside like you're being pulled to them. You can tell for sure that someone is your mate by two things their smell and their touch.

When you smell your mate it's like you're smelling the best thing you've ever smelled in your life. Like vanilla, and cake, and flowers all mixed together in some alluring fragrance.

And their touch ..... well their touch will send what feels like little sparks through your skin. Tiny little pleasurable sparks.

I know you feel them Seneca. I could tell when we touched hands at the supermarket and I know that you felt it when I was soothing your wrist a few minutes ago. If nothing else makes sense to you now that has too."

I finally stopped talking.... hoping that I had made some sort of connection.... maybe gotten through to her.

Man was I wrong -suddenly she jumped from the bed and made it through the bedroom door before I could stop her.

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