Chapter 1.5: The Results, The Rumors, and Revitalization...

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(Denzel's POV):

I woke up without time knowledge...

"Ugh, what the hell happened..."

"You were Asleep for three days." - Michael


The hell??? I don't remember sleeping that long... I asked more questions without leaving every single detail behind.

"Well, after your tournament, you were asleep so we gave the card to you arbitrarily. As for the opponent, he is still unconscious." - Michael

"Dude, we are inside the game. How in the world can we sleep for three consecutive days?"

"Duel health can only be recovered by sleeping, and you won't wake up until you hit maximum duel health. You'll regen 1 duel health per hour..." - Michael

"Really? didn't know about that. By the way, how's the matches on your sides?"

"Only I won.." - Michael

"Damn, the vocations of their opponents?"

"For Mecole's opponent it was necromancer. As for me, it was a void highlord. Chelsea was beaten by a void magician." - Michael

"How did you even get through a void highlord, wtf..."

Michael ignored my question and showed a hand gesture telling me to go outside.

"Dude, everyone's waiting, we have rumors to prove." - Michael

"I'll ask about it on the way."

We went outside and there are circles in our base with certain topics when talking (e.g. gossip, shipping, plans, rumors etc.). I tried to eavesdrop and listen to a certain extent while continuing to walk. There were words of wisdom, admiration, and jealousy mixed in some of them but...
There was one that was super interesting to listen to...

"Ever heard about the dungeon rumor?" - ???
"Isn't that where the old guy turns into a huge skeleton?" - ???
"Yeah, there's that but if you enter the dungeon without his permission." - ???
"You'll be killed instantly, is this really true?" - ???
"*mumble* *mumble*" - ???

Yeah, something along those lines. After collecting the information, we have reached Symor's throne room.

"He isn't here?" - Michael

"He went to the kitchen." - Rafael

"Oh hey, so he tasked you to clean up the area huh?"

"Well pretty much after what happened yesterday, and this is my duty as a janitor of the team after all." - Rafael

That statement rung a bell on my head...

"What do you mean yesterday?"
"You were out cold so I'll tell you everything." - Rafael

He told me the details without leaving anything behind...

"Well, a few days ago, we had a party for the ones who won a tarot card. Well, the party was lit and all, we got drunk and blew up an enemy base as a result." - Rafael
"Yesterday, there was a raid, a huge raid, the enemy faction even had cannons. If the faction they were raiding was not us, their faction would've been decimated..." - Rafael
"And I missed all these because I was fking asleep?"
"Yes, and so many enemies reached the throne room, the battle was really intense. The setups are there, the covers are there, and funny enough, they didn't win." - Rafael
"Isn't that because of highly overpowered attacks that we have?"
"Yeah, so that's the gist of it. We had no casualties, though we eradicated the whole enemy faction." - Rafael

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