Chapter 3.6: The Corrupted Biome

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(Symor's POV):

It was the fifth day after we returned from Denzel's palace. We returned to a normal daily life without raids incoming to our base for some reason.

For the rest of the week, I have been notified by my scouts and spies that no raids will be held out for the time being. They informed me to take a rest and travel momentarily without entering much trouble.

"I guess they are treasure hunting once again."
"I think it would be the opposite." - Heirro

Heirro is in the throne room looking at the scenery outside the window.

"So, what are your plans Heirro?"
"Eh, maybe walk around the towns that are near this castle?" - Heirro
"So you intend to ensure that the castle is safe huh?"
"Yep, but I will surely enjoy the momentary break time. Five days is pretty much a long break you know?" - Heirro
"Kinda agree, but what to do is the problem."
"Symor, maybe you should explore that corrupted biome..." - Heirro
"Good idea, what about you?"
"I'll go around town for guild quests." - Heirro
"Real intention?"
"A date with my crush..." - Heirro
"I see..."

We all parted our ways momentarily as I return to my room and started to organize most of my inventory.

Before I left I looked at the window where a blue key was dangling from the hanger. I took the key as it may bring something good to me.

I feel like I needed this as Michael used the red key on the crimson biome. I'll just have to be as unlucky as him to find the actual biome huh...

I gathered most of my equipment and prepared an extra sword just in case. I took out another piece of a tourmaline gemstone. I stored most of my Earth magic energy so I could make use of them for later.

I hid all boxes which I used to store these items into the magic storage. I left 3 boxes without anything contained on purpose for the sake of looting.

I opened the door to the hallway and started walking to the throne room.

I noticed Heirro and called him forth.

"Symor, so you are going to explore the biome huh?" - Heirro
"Yes, I shall announce that Karl will be in charge while I'm out. He's the most talented person when it comes to trickery and negotiations."
"I see, then do you have a task for me?" - Heirro

With a serious face he has, he knws that I will hand a task down to him.

"Explore the case of no raids occurring, try to deal with the perpetrators if possible. You may ask and require the other members to fight alongside you."
"Understood!" - Heirro

Heirro jumps out of the open window and rolls his landing. He starts running to the nearby town as he fills himself with excitement and determination.

"So he intends to do it with his love interest huh?"

I arrived to the throne room and summoned the rest.

"So, what's the business today Symor?" - Jake
"I'll be venturing to the Corrupted biome."
"Then?" - Mecole
"Then this would mean that Karl will be in charge of the castle for now. He'll be assigned to most things in this castle."
"I see, what will you do then?" - Karl
"Like I said, I shall venture and find the zodiac item hidden in the corrupted biome. I may not know when I shall return but, my chances to return alive is still and will forever be guaranteed."
"Then what about Denzel?" - Karl
"He'll be busy since I gave him a task of infiltration."

All of them nodded and showed determined faces.

"We'll keep an eye on this." - Karl
"Then I'll leave now then."

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