Chapter 1.Extra: Resting, and Building...

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(Denzel's POV):

It has been three days since the Eye of Cthulhu barged into this world...

Ever since that day, Symor found out about this ice and lightning combo I have.

"Maybe you should utilize it in a better way..." - Symor

Remembering that scene where I was explaining what I got in the loot drop. I gained a boss drop only item...

Shield of Cthulhu: +2 Armor
When Equipped: Moving to any direction with enough speed causes enemies in front of the shield to take 100 damage per hit.
When supplied with magic: Projects a short ranged light that will deal 25 damage per second to all enemies in the target area...

Feels like terraria, but it also doesn't feel like the original game...

I finally finished the main room of my crystal palace after going for three sleepless nights...

I took out a piece of crystal and tossed it to the top of the palace...

"Looks like it did reach..."

The height of the main room is 12 meters maximum height... The interiors contain a bunch of doors at the sides, leading to many other rooms...

And a giant spiral staircase going to the next floor...

"I guess I did enough huh..."

Inside my head was to pay a visit to the castle. But if I leave Julya here alone, she would be in a rough spot once again...

So I had no other choice but to take her...

"Julya! Let's pay a visit to the castle."
"No need Denz." - Symor

Symor suddenly shows up along with Michael and Heirro, both of which are behind him.

"I wasn't informed though..."
"Sorry Oniichan, I forgot to tell you..." - Julya

I pat Julya in the head and ask Symor regarding his business...

He stated it bluntly this time...

"Ah! Then have you heard of the newly created faction called: "Sorcery"?" - Symor

Michael shows an unpleasant face to it...

But I guess it has something to do with him more...

[AN: Michael's side of the prologue chapter starting soon! This marks the end of the Denzel's side of the prologue... Best regards to the readers, and the characters who are fictitious.]

Epilogue: After dealing with the Eye of Cthulhu, Denzel returned his focus on building his Crystal Palace. Symor arrives to portray some business which without a doubt, made Michael uncomfortable... What could it be???

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