Chapter 2.8: The Brain of Cthulhu...

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(Michael's POV):

I have progressed for a short while now. I can't use magic beyond here it seems. This pinkish barrier will dispel all kinds of magic within the area. So I am basically entering a zone where Symor and Denzel's expertise will show their worth.

"Haaaah... Pretty sure that the boss is made up of tissue... If Denzel didn't make the weapons I would be technically dead."

I dashed my way throughout the cave and gone way deeper than I had anticipated.

Later up I arrived to a giant opening...

"Haaaaah... I can't even see what's under me. All I know is that I can hear a bunch of spiders already. Feels like I can move properly if I drop this frost fire torch.

Umm, let me reference to something a bit...

"Uhh... The power of Satan! I mean Jesus! Compels you!"

I dropped the torch all the way down to the bottom. Giving off lighting of the drop... Ended up landing of water which basically extinguished it.


Well, too bad...

I jumped down without anymore care as it was only a 30 meter drop... approximately...

I landed on the lower parts with a roll and a face plant to the crimson water...

"Tastes nice."

I accidentally drank it... but hey! it tastes kinda nice. I took out another torch and started to brighten up the surroundings.

"Jeez, this many huh..."

I took out my scythe with my right hand and started decapitating some spider legs...

As the spiders surround me I dashed to one spot and completely sliced multiple gigantic spiders in half.

Now a corner is always favorable...

"Now with some light I could just simply..."

Cut them all down to death...

A scene of massacre I made without much trouble.

It took me a whole hour with almost no effort to kill all the mobs around this biome or cave.

Well, it still is pretty much easy kills since this scythe will always grow larger and become lighter as it receives more blood.

Too bad it shrunk as I went down one junction.

If I remember correctly... These junctions have a crimson heart at the end of every junction... But it is covered by more rocks...

"Good thing I have these dynamites which Denzel found near an ocean while fishing..."

I took out a dynamite and ignited it. Tossing it to the dead end of the junction.

I took some distance before the dynamite blew up.

"That stench... smells like a decaying corpse..."

Although it did create a large room for dodging error but, the crimson heart isn't there... Probably got blown together with the rubble...

I did see an item land on the ground...

"This is probably the Undertaker from terraria..."

A flintlock pistol dropped itself to the bottom with a bunch of red bullets...

"I should give this to Denzel... He'll definitely be happy if he gets weapons like these."

Denzel is a master blacksmith in our group. So this would give him enough reference to create his main weapon for any form of combat.

Virtual Reality: Survivor's PathΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα