Chapter 2.6: Crimson Ground

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(Michael's POV):

A few days (specifically 4) after the Sorcery managed to escape from dying. I'm back here contemplating on what to do. Denzel barely survived because of stupid crap and lastly, the last one surely has to be a time based sorceress.

"What a powerful lineup they have."

I noticed Symor's presence passing through my room.

I opened the door...

"Symor, what's up?"
"Michael, there has been reports of a party of Beta Testers hunting down players." - Symor
"For real? Do you have a rough to their location right now?"
"They're heading down the neaby crimson biome. I have an order for you, head there and deal with then quickly, then explore the whole biome." - Symor
"I will."

I closed the door and started preparing my stuff.

I took out all kinds of equipment and the red key Symor was talking about.

"Maybe this will be useful I guess."

I opened the door and started moving around.

"Hmm, I believe that is Heirro over there. I'll just ignore him."

In the span of a few minutes I arrived to the crimson biome without any much constraints.

I released my two weapons after arriving to the biome, moved my tarot card to my breast pocket and took out one of the holy potions I extracted out from that holy stone. I have only 3 bottles with me as to save a bit.

I gotta say, this crimson biome may actually be fit for my base.

As I continued to wander around the area I started to notice some powerful players and weaker players who are probably being hunted.

I hid my presence to ensure I wouldn't be caught easily.

I jumped and scouted the area from the top of a tree.

"Now let's see if Denzel's magnification tech on my glasses work..."

I clicked on the button on the right of my glasses and instantly magnified the view from my right eye. It feels weird so I closed my left eye.

I can see how they are hunting players. Yep, those are probably the beta testers Symor was talking about.

A gunner, a dual wielding swordsman, a double shielder, an archer, and probably the last one is a magician. Another perfect lineup...

"What's with the perfect lineups..."

Oh, the player team regrouped and tried to fight against them.

The player group actually tried to put up a fight against a group who is basically all beta testers. And most of them couldn't dodge the attacks of the supports.

"Probably idiots but I never know what would happen."

The gunner instantly points his weapons directly toward me. I may have been noticed huh...

I hear gunshots as I jump out of the tree avoiding any bullets but.

The magician's staff is shining brightly.

The bullets shot by the gunner starts homing in towards me.

"Knew it, telekinesis..."

Their magician emits colorless light from his staff. In this game, there is only one representation of colorless. That is telekinesis...

"This'll be fun... Book of Death! Lava Cluster! Empower!"

I took out a giant book and prepared myself for impact.

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