Chapter 3 Prologue: The Dragon Emperor

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(Symor's POV):

"Symor!" - Heirro

Heirro suddenly opened the door as to quickly report something...

"We have a raid coming! Their cannons are coming from the east at approx half an hour!" - Heirro
"Then get to it quickly! Summon Karl, Jake and Mecole!"
"Got it!" - Heirro

Been a while since we had raiders coming for us. I wonder what should we do about them.

Oh well, let's get rolling...

Heirro returns with the three people that I requested...

"Symor, what's up? Another raid?" - Karl
"Yeah, same strats as always. Improvise only when needed."
"Then I'll go behind them right now." - Jake
"Please do, I'll handle prepping the counter attack." - Mecole
"Stay careful! We do not know our enemies so we cannot let our guard down!"
"I'll take the front lead, Karl will be supporting me as usual." - Heirro
"Let's clean them up!"

We separated ourselves to different stations and prepared for the raid.

I summoned a few slimes from my slime staff and set them on a few spots to kill the raiders.

"Well, better be ready Heirro. Tarot Card IV-The Emperor! Activate!"

Ten knights in full adamantium armor were summoned before me. All of them are kneeling as to serve me rightfully.

"Take your stations and prepare for combat."

All of them nodded and prepared themselves for combat.

"Well, we all must have fun at the least. Tarot Card VIII - Justice! Activate!" - Heirro

Heirro starts emitting faint light which boosts his stats by 10 as long he has mana to keep him up.

Heirro aims forward and shoots the man riding a horse who probably was the leader with the musket on his left hand.

The man who *was* the leader fell off the horse and stopped moving... Later on, his body blew up into a bunch of particles.

"Yep, this'll be a cakewalk." - Heirro
"Well, I'll be charging ahead. Take care of the main gate."
"Yeah." - Heirro

I brought out a spear and put myself in a ready stance.

Cannon balls start firing at a high rate, all of which are aimed down to the castle walls.

"Got it!" - Mecole

Mecole uses his crossbow and applied the arrows with decay magic.

As the arrow hit the cannonballs, the cannonballs turn into dust due to decay magic; pulverizing any non living thing to dust.

He hit all the cannons by learning high level concentration magic from me. Now there wouldn't be a simple projective that will hit him.

"Good one, I'm inside their zone now. Heirro, if they come to the castle you stop them together with Karl."
"Got it!" - Heirro and Karl

I start swinging my spear with excellent hand movement. My ten unmanned armor fighters start killing all the players one by one. Causing most of them to lose their numbers in a horribly fast way.

Jake himself is clearing the mages, the healers or the supports from behind the enemy lines. Heirro is shredding most targets at the front. And I'm moping most of the footmen and cavalry from its center.

After a sheer 1 hour all enemies blew up into particles, showcasing their deaths properly.

"Phew, how's stuff on your sides?"
"Pretty fine here." - Heirro
"Same." - The rest

We simply won't be destroyed easily.

The daily announcement finally came to count the remaining players in this server.

"Remaining players in this server: 92537. Remaining Beta Testers: 2465" - Announcer
"Still too many huh. I wonder if most of these people are actually intellectuals and understand that they can't defeat us easily."

I returned to the castle and reorganized most of the loot dropped by the people.

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