Chapter 1.7: Construction Plans, Weird Conflicts

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(Denzel's POV):


As I laid my body down in the bed, I breathe out a sigh of relief.

"I wonder if I should claim a part of the base to create my own home."

In fact, after turning in the quest fish. Rafael and I parted ways after returning to base. We instantly went to our rooms.

The incident went away in a bizarre manner as many structures were demolished, and part of the neutral town had so many casualties.

We were given credit as the ones who stopped the person going amok. According to the admin faction, the person was a former beta tester, he was fired midway for exploiting and spoiling false information to the public in his social media account.

But that reasoning didn't leave me and Michael in a state of relief but on absolute confusion.

Before long, we took a huge amount of rest and slept for a whole day.

The next day comes in as I woke up from my bed without anyone around me.

I have been notified by Symor that we have a meeting. Perfect timing, I kinda want to layout my home now.

30 minutes later.

"Denz, have you ever heard of Jack the Ripper?" - Symor

Him? I read a few articles about him so I'm technically familiar with him.

"Yes, why?"
"There is this guy with the same username. He is currently murdering people of good in the aquatic town." - Symor
"And why tell me about it?"
"Part of your harem is right there, right now." - Symor

Blunt! Wait, I get why you call it harem but they're in serious danger.

I panicked by a huge mark and thought about going there right now but first.

"Oh, before I go."
"What is it?" - Symor
"I'll be claiming a huge part of the ice spikes biome for my own home."
"Ok then." - Symor

I instantly jumped out the window and started to dash towards the ocean biome.

While dashing I activated book of death and cryogenesis to allow my movement in ice much better without any occurring problems to friction.

Symor sent a message to me, it seems that he will send a person if someone is free, but that's very unlikely.

Another 30 minutes has passed and I reached the ocean biome. I enchanted my boots with frost walker and started running once more.

Before long I found the town along with familiar presences.

"Yep, that's probably Bella..."

I reached the town and went to the central fountain slowly this time.

"Although the presences are thin here, the town is pretty well balanced. The contrast of the walls, the hanging arnaments, and the rooftops make it look like a city of the aquarion tribe from polytopia."

As I reach the fountain, I emitt a signal to all people that I possibly know here.

I sat down by the fountain and started to concentrate.

All presences within a half a mile radius can be felt.

I could get a bare estimation of their power and aura from this location.

I learned this skill from seeing how Symor concentrates deeply and being able to know so much things from it. So I tried to copy it with my trait, but I still couldn't reach about 25% of it's full capability.

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