Arc 1 Part 9: Testing and Management

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We moved to the other underground junction with everyone and had Gayle hold her new weapon, Mysteria...

"Alright, try some practice swings..."
"With everyone looking?!?!" - Gayle

Gayle immediately retorts with embarrassment... Come on! Well, she's kinda shy so it's probably not good for her to do that...

However, she starts making simple swings without much trouble without overexerting effort... It was a bit of a slow swing though...

Gayle turns her gaze to me after she stopping swinging around her Mysteria

"It's a little heavy... Can you make it lighter?" - Gayle

I see, she has a bit of difficulty swinging it... Alright then...

"Gravity shaft..."

A rift in space opens and sucks out some gravity on the scythe, making it lighter despite it's size... I lowered to around half of it's original weight...

"Try swinging it around again..."

Gayle swings the scythe much faster this time, she was able to create some complicated moves which I haven't done before...

"Great, now use this as reference for the spells..."

I gave her a piece of paper which had the spell name and the contents which was included in Karl's message... Gayle took and read the contents of the paper before trying it out... She was quite shocked when she saw the contents...

She held her hand out and used one ability...

"Mystic Barrier!" - Gayle

A purple barrier was erected and it had some particles that are shaping like flowers and butterflies... Damn, is that visualization? I never expected anyone outside the Asylum who have low levels to be able to visualize well... I did in fact, question her about it and got a response...

"Well, I often draw as a hobby those days..." - Gayle
"I see, so let's get to the main part... Keep the barrier up... Crystal spikes!"
"Ehhh?!?!!" - Gayle

Multiple crystal spikes showed up and immediately moved to pierce the barrier. All spikes were firmly blocked by the purple barrier...

"Alright, it's good enough... Now, try the offensive abilities...

"Rift Cutter!" - Gayle

Gayle performs a few strikes which left some particles behind for a few seconds... I converted my Omnitelum into twin blades and struck the floating particles... I didn't hear any clashing sounds but it stopped my blade...

So two defensive abilities in one go huh. Rather, didn't it just suck part of my mana just now?

Mysteria glew as I struck the floating particles, it seems that it sucks mana by defending...

"Ohh, I can feel mana flowing in..." - Gayle

So it works that way huh...

"It seems Karl has made it into a defensive manner since it's offensive capabilities are already overpowered... Now, try using the mana share ability..."
"Alright... Spread!" - Gayle

From Gayle's single word chant, flower particles started moving in towards everyone and equalizing their mana judging by their reactions...

"I feel a bit lighter..." - Thrish

Everyone seems to be pumped up after being shared some mana... Though I noticed that the particles that were floating in place earlier disappeared...

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