Story 19: Doppleganger: Part: 5

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Jungkook's Pov

I had jumped out the window, luckily landing on the dumpster, I got out in a hurry, hoping to run out the doppleganger's and find help.

I ran off to the street, hoping to see someone out in the middle of the night, at least a night stroll or something.

I stopped as I took a deep breath, I turned my head, seeing the others were running after me.

"Shit."I cursed myself as I began running again.

"You can't outrun us."the other Yoongi called out, the others were behind him.

"There's no turning back."the other Jimin and Taehyung called out in unison, I shook my head.

"Never!"I yelled.

I ran away as fast as I could, fearing I'll get killed next, I breathed heavily as I stopped by a dark alleyway, hiding behind a dumpster.

I covered my mouth from breathing as I heard footsteps growing louder, I whimpered quietly.

I peeked my head cautiously, making sure the thing didn't see me, I saw it was me but it wasn't.

My Doppelganger.

"Come out Jeon Jungkook, we're both the same thing anyway, I think like you, act like you, talk like you.
I am you."

No way.

The doppelganger then turned to my side, he then smiled.

"How long are you trying to run away Jeon?"

I got up and ran futher down the alley, hearing the doppelganger chuckle darkly in a distance.

How couldn't I seen this sooner?

How couldn't I see my hyungs was replaced by their doppelgangers too?

I froze as I stood in front of a brick wall.

Fuck...I'm cornered...

"Time's up Jeon"

I turned around as my back hit the wall, seeing the doppleganger's walked towards me.

My doppleganger walked in front of everyone else, grinning at me.

I closed my eyes, fearing for my life.

This is it...this is it're going to die...


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