Story 74: Shadow

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"Are you sure you don't want a ride home? It's really dark out."Yoongi said as he drank a can of soda, Hoseok shook his head.

"No need hyung, I'll be fine walking home. I live two blocks away remember?"Hoseok reassured the older boy, after a moment, Yoongi nod.

"Alright then, get home safely, see you."Yoongi side hugged Hoseok, Hoseok waved the others goodbye as they told their goodbyes to Hoseok also.

Hoseok then left Yoongi's house, making his way to his home.

Hoseok kept his hands in his pockets, walking pass people who were in their way to their own business and such.

Hoseok couldn't help but feel he was being followed, he would occasionally turn to see what would follow him but he only saw his own shadow.

Hoseok shrugged it off and continued walking, the night growing colder as his body shivered slightly, his jacket barely keeping him warm, he had to rubbed his arms here and there.

He then heard footsteps, Hoseok quickened his pace, fearing something that's behind him.

Hoseok then turned to a dark alley way, hoping the person behind him would go away, he turned towards the entrance of the alleyway, seeing a couple passing by.

Hoseok slightly chuckled.

Just a beautiful couple walking by...what's there to worry about?

Hoseok walked out of the alleyway, he began walking, he sighed in relief when he saw his home.


Hoseok turned around quickly, seeing by the alleyway, a can of empty soda was on the floor.

The light illuminated him but he looked down, not seeing his shadow.

He slowly looked up, seeing his shadow stood in front of him.


Breaking News!
A young teenage boy in his early twenties was appeared dead during his walk home this morning. Officials say when they found his body, he didn't had his shadow on him at all.

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