Story 42: Hyung Part: 5

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Dinner's ready!"Hoseok called.

"Come on let's go."Taehyung rushed downstairs, leaving the two boys in the attic.

"Do you think hyung will sleep with us too?"Jungkook asked the older boy.

"I'm not sure, we're pretty far from home."Jimin told.

"But he'll come right?"

"Let's hope so."

Both Jimin and Jungkook walked downstairs to the kitchen, where all the boy's were there except for Yoongi.

Both Jimin and Jungkook walked towards the table, Jimin sat down on the chair as Jungkook sat on Jimin's lap, staring at the strange food the other boys were eating.

"Have you guys tried Chinese food before?"Taehyung asked the two boys.

"Chinese food?"Jungkook tilted his head in confusion.

"Here."Taehyung placed a plastic carton in front of the two boy's, the two boys looked at the meal strangely as it looked like lifeless worms. "It's noodles, try it."

Jungkook turned to Jimin, Jimin nodded slowly at the boy, signaling him.

Jungkook slowly reached his hand out to the noodles, grabbing a small amount in his hand and placing it in his mouth as he chewed a little then swallowed.

"Do you like it?"Taehyung asked.

Jungkook started to grab huge handfuls of noodles, stuffing them in his mouth, Jimin grabbed some too, also stuffing in his mouth.

The three boys stared at the two in shock or slight uncomfortableness.

The two boys finished the noodles in under one minute, they turned to the three boys.

Taehyung looked down at his own noodles then back up at the two boys, seeing they were staring at it.

Taehyung hesitantly handed the noodles to the two boys, only to be snatched away and eaten in less than seconds.

"Glad you liked it."Taehyung slightly laughed.

"We gotta go sleep...see ya in the morning."Namjoon said, both him and Hoseok got out of their seats, making their way to their rooms before grabbing their empty plates and placed them in the trash.

"Sorry...we never ate that much food before."Jimin explained,  Jungkook nodded in agreement.

"How long have you guys been in that cabin?"Taehyung asked.

"Two years."Jimin told, Taehyung's eyes widened.

" two will get to eat normal food from now on."Taehyung told, the two boys nodded. "Come on, lets go to sleep."

Taehyung stood up, grabbing the trash and walked to the trashcan, throwing the trash away, the two boys followed after Taehyung up in the attic.

"Wait here. I'll bring you guys a blanket and pillow."Taehyung rushed to his room while the two boys stayed in the dark attic.

After a few seconds, Taehyung came back with two pillows and a large blanket.

Taehyung walked around the attic until he placed the two pillows in the cleanest spot, he motioned the two boys to laid down, which they did.

"You can share the blanket."Taehyung said as he unfolded the blanket and placed it over the boys. "Sleep well. See you tomorrow."

Taehyung walked out of the attic, leaving the door open so they can have access to either go to the bathroom or getting a glass of water.

Both Jimin and Jungkook laid there for a few seconds.


Both Jimin and Jungkook sat up, the younger hugged Jimin in fear, slightly whimpering.

Jimin looked around the dark room, trying to see what made that noise but saw nothing, he turned his head, seeing a figure by the window.

Jungkook turned his head to see what Jimin was seeing, the two boys smiled.

"Hyung came."Jungkook told the older boy, Jimin nodded.

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