Chapter 7 -Confrontation-

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Chapter 7 -Confrontation-

Author's P.O.V.

The man, smirked clearly amused, but such event is not to make fun off, as he's not simply facing a frail abandoned wangfei, on the thin body resides the soul of a professional killer to reckon with.

There was a click, Knives locked the door, she wants to confront the man that have been spying her for the past few days, she just ignored the individual as she doesn't felt any hostility coming from him, this is the only emotion she's kind of familiar as she continously received such treatment in her previous life.

He stepped out of the dark and Knives faced him with her usual expressionless face, the man have this distinguished stance, tall and proud, clearly not from someone who's just someone to spy on her.

"...Seeing how your so confident to stand before me, you're the real Duke? Right?"

He raised a brow, then chuckled.
I thought she's the proclaimed trash of the Zhong family? Why is this girl so unpredictable?.... And mesmerizing?

"You don't really have to answer me, Prince Jin" the way she said his name made his heart jump, there lingers the unintentional distance that she's unconsciously placing between them.

"Because I already have my theory, no let me coreect myself it should be conclusion"

"Owh.. So you already figured who I am. So now little one, who are you?" He ask but there is trace of amusement on his that cannot be hidden.

"Me? They called me Jing Hua, but clearly I don't need to use such identity with how your presenting your self duke" Jin was now very amused by this little Wangfei of his, and yes such courtesies are useless with how their treating each other already.

"Jing Hua, huh?" He murmured, it felt unusual saying the name, like its a doll's name, full of hypocrisy as its such a common name, but it does suit someone like her, a flower with visible thorns.

"So now Prince....." in a blink of an eye she swiftly run towards him without him noticing and pointed a knife on his neck, a drop of blood *plops* on the floor.

"Why are you here?" Her whole face was now stoic, its like she's not looking to a human, like its something so natural like breathing.

The Duke was not alarmed with the disadvantage or the knife that already cut him.

Jing Hua couldn't see his emotion under that black cloth that covers the priority of his face so she expertly cut the cloth on his face.

But before the cloth that cover his face fall down to reveal the man's features, the man throw her body on the bed.

"Argh.." She groaned, then her lips was attacked.

His lips was so soft but it was so rough at the same time, she could clearly know that he was an expert about such a thing.

***Mature Content Ahead***

He bit her lower lip that made her open her mouth and he immediately slid his tongue inside.

Knives was not a clueless about such intimacy.

They exchange rough kisses not letting each other dominate anyone, she reach for his head, deepening the exchange.

She toppled the man, her hands warm from the intimacy slid to his shoulders, feelingbthe roughness and softness of the cloth, she's not sure anymore.

The Prince was more used being the one in control and being on top, but he was completely powerless with this little main wife.

The kiss was wet and sweet at the same time making his member twitch from excitement and both their eyes foggy from it.

Knives' hand land on him, it was hard, she can't fully capture it with one hand so she glided her hands on the edge of his clothes, dismatling him from clothes, he followed, revealing the pearly shoulders of the assassin.

"Ahhh" the once calm and controlled man was now moaning out of pleasure by the little wanders the little wife was making.

They stopped and stared at each other's faces, they were imaginary smokes coming from their body, redness present on their faces, eyes hungry for each other, roughed breathing, they were like animals in heat.


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