Chapter 23 -Aiko's Thoughts-

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Chapter 23 -Aiko's Thoughts-

Author's pov

Knives told the Prince what happened but didn't tell the parts about her Sect and her unique fighting skills.

"I'll help you... I got some connections in Blooming Sakura, but first we need to attend the banquet because its tomorrow already" The Prince soothingly explained the situation.

Knives creases her brows but smoothen it up when she heard about the situation.

So for the night they stayed inside the prince's room and ate there.

"I think I'll head back, Its already lat—" she was cut off when the prince instructed a maid to call for Knives's temporary maid to bring her some clothes.

"Wh—" once again she was cut off.

"I want you safe... By my side... Anddd Its my duty as your husband~" he said while displaying a playful grin.

The word husband gave Knives heart a strange feeling... She's moved?

She unconsciously place her hands on her heart while her face unknowingly revealed a confused look.

The prince can't help but smirk, so so troublesome to have such an innocent wife... Hmm.. The prince hummed inside his head.

Ai's pov

I only wish that mistress would not seek for me because its to dangerous and I don't want her to do anything reckless that might end the life of others and hers.

Truth to told but when I first met mistress I was taken a back by her emotionless eyes it didn't held any emotions that could give her away.

She just stand there like a beautiful statue a perfectly sculpted one but when I became her maid I finally realize that mistress is so naive, innocent, and too dense to the point she didn't realize her own emotions, it might be because of her maiden family mistreating her that she became like this.

When I was with mistress I become unrestrained with my emotions and even forgot my problem that is chasing and hunting me, but I too became so dense that I didn't realize that reality would bite back and wake me up from the dream world that I made.

But I don't want to lose another person because of me, because they are protecting me, I don't want history repeating itself.

I was too afraid... too lose another person that have a piece of my heart. Maybe I was too careless not knowing that reality bites back.

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