Chapter 45 -The Cost-

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Chapter 45 -The Cost-

Author's P.O.V.

The Prince head hung low while waiting outside the room where his wife resides.

It was like dèja vu on the first time Knives got poisoned but the prince's face is dark, you couldn't define the face his making right now.

He recalled the cost of dispelling the poison out of his wife's body.

(From The Duke's P.O.V.)

"Wh-what!?" I was taken aback when I heard the consiquence... the cost if I let her continue.

"Mistress cannot be pregnant... the poison used on her is known as the crippling poison, for men its side effects if cured would be their family jewel losing its purpose, similar to being a eunuch and if a female were poisoned with this there is a 99% of them being infertile." She bowed her head so low, even if she don't raise her head I could feel the guilt she's emmiting.

"...We couldn't have children?" I whispered silently, then muttered again "the woman I love could not bare my children..." remorse filled the tone of my voice.

"You...! Do it... if you fail expect your head to roll..." I commanded using all my strength to not cut this girl's head.

(End of The Duke's P.O.V.)

The Duke couldn't even shed a tear out of anger and despair, he felt guilty for making such a decision to let his wife live.

He remembered the first time he meet his wife, she's fierce and emotionless, she's not coy nor clever enough to know that she's so naive, he love that side of hers.

What would she feel if he revealed the truth? Will she be furious? Disappointed?... he couldn't take it if she start to hold a grudge to him...

Jing Hua is his first love and probably his last, he could take a hundred schemes from his imperial brothers but he could not take a glare from his wangfei.

He could give up being an emperor just to be by his wangfei's side forever.

"Brother..." Xin suddenly addressed him taking back his attention in reality.

"The others made their move" When Xin said this the Prince then his eyes turn cold followed by an evil smirk.

"Finally a distraction...  Stay here Xin, act as the Duke for the time being, and take care of her" he commanded before taking his leave.

Gotta make them suffer to the point they wish they were killed...


Bansai!!!! I finally managed to publish an update.

I'm sorry about my drama on my last update now I'm not dispirited unlike the last time soooooo expect frequent updates!!!

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