Chapter 8 -Xin-

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Chapter 8 -Xin-

Author's P.O.V.

She thought they are going all the way to the pleasuring part but they were interrupted by a loud knock.

"The Duke have arrived!!" The arrival of the fake Duke was announced.

She want to stand up but was stopped by the Prince.

The door was opened and by now she was being hugged by the Prince and that didn't want to let her go.

The fake Duke was startled to see his master hugging his main wife affectionately, but immediately regain himself.

When the door closed, the real Duke spoke.

"Xin why are you here?" The Duke said icily.

"I'm sorry, for interrupting your privacy but I'm getting tired on disguising as you" Xin's voice was full of playfulness and respect at the same time.

Xin's face was very identical to the real Duke's.

But when he took off his mask in front of the two, a feminine man face was revealed.

"Little girl this is my adopted older brother, Feng Xin..."

Jing Hua's lips twitch, "And also he's the one impersonating you?" Jing Hua ask while struggling to get out of his possessive hug.

"Will you let me go?" She loudly exclaimed, but he just tightened his hug and now she can feel his hard member under her butt.

Fuck, he is a very lustful Prince!!!

She thought while struggling.

"If I'm interrupting you I can go out so you can continue your.... Hot Confrontation" Xin is also a pervert!!!!

But little did she know that the two man was so amused about her attitude.

Xin thinks that she was a temptress and she clearly didn't know that just by her presence, men's wild imagination is working wildly.

While Prince Jin thinks that she is a temptress and a stone who don't know what other people feels about her.

"Pleasure yourself with another woman!! I'm tired..." She whined almost whispering.

She still wore her usual expressionless face.

"And you're going to leave me still aroused?" He ask a little irritated.

She didn't even deduct that the man want him right at that moment, she just think that he was one of a hell lustful Prince who loves sex.

"I'm going to leave... See you next time little Wang Fei" Prince Xin bid his good bye and left the room.

(Wang Fei is a way to address an official's wife in ancient China)

Prince Jin started biting her earlobe, and a pleasuring wave started to occur to her whole system but she have to stop this man or else he will take her right at this moment!



I'm back!

Thank you so much for waiting!

Thank you for the comments and votes, I really really appreciate it!

Promise I'll publish the next chap sooner!

Owh the picture above is Xin, like the description he was more like a feminish manlike.

Thanks again for the support!

Luv u all!

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