Chapter 42 -[Title After The Chapter]-

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Chapter 42 -[Title After The Chapter]-

Author's P.O.V.

The rope around Little Ai's wrist came undone, Jinx successfully killed the men with her rapier.

"Y-you finally mastered Sakura No Odori, I'm so p-proud of you..." Aiko weakly praised Jinx, She supported the princess, because it looked like any time soon she'll pass out.

"Y-you ran away, Himesama!!! You don't know how scared and worried I am for the past 3 years!!!" Jinx cried out, hugging the little princess tightly scared that she would disappear again, Ai weakly patted her back to comfort her.

Nadia's P.O.V.

The whole damn thing is near to its ending, and the good news is that we have the upper hand.

I just want to end this little shit, its may not look like it but I really like to curse, and I definitely want to beat the hell out of that girl named Jinx.

The thing that mistress knew all along is that Jinx is the infamous, Natalia Jinx. Argh... That mistress of ours is really a handful and I cannot help, but worry because of her naiveness.

From the very first time that we met mistress were thankful and scared, while my opinion to her maid... Erm.. Assistant,  is that she is a total pain in the ass, I also hate her because of the mask she wears but right now I hate her much more 'cause all along she hid her grievances and this is the result.

I sigh when I remember this things, I inspect my surroundings and it looks like the enemies that remained alive killed there selves, I think they call that 'Seppuku', I know its originally a samurai practice, its also referred as 'Harakiri'. Its used either voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies.

I spotted Lev fending off some enemies, an enemy is behind his back, I threw a dagger uncosciously, "Bullseye!!" I shouted. Lev turned and grinned making my heart skip, "Na---", "just be careful" I shouted and turned around.

Argh my face is heating up again! Nevermind, Nevermind!!!

Back to business, well thats easy, all along mistress knew that we have the upper hand.


"We're going to win..." that's the first time she used a matter-of-factly tone, since the first time I met her, and this 'caused my eyebrow to lift, because its very unusual... Wait, screw that its not just that... Its so unlike, its different!!!

"How do you know?" I ask while unconsciously massaging my temple, mistress is getting more delusional as time goes by!!!!

"That Prince, his a coward, when I looked to his eyes Its brimming with pride and ignorance, maybe its because his always showered with praises and is always given what he wanted, he love to torment and look down to people... He love his life too much and he would not give up his life... In short a complete failure as a prince."

With this words escaping her mouth, I became speechless causing my hands to stop from what its doing... Too scary! I don't think this mistress of ours is a noble she's a female version of 'Veles'!!!

End of Flashback

Mistress is really a genius but she's just way to innocent for her own good.

"Nadia!!! Mistress is in danger!!!"

Chapter 42 -All Along She Knew-


Veles - is one of few Slavic gods for which evidence of offerings can be found in all, King of the underworld, harvests and cattle, Veles could be found in the wet, lowlands. His a Russian god.

To the words Seppuku and Hakakiri, I'll just keep it short its a Japanese term for the honorable sacrifice samurais do and I just think that why not do it as a term for ninjas too...

Another fact is that, Samurais are warriors from noble families while Ninjas are from the lower class.

When I said that Veles is a Russian god, I was referring that Nadia and the other two are russians and I want their nationality to be emphasized.

I really like how the other nationalities can blend in a story.

Hope you like it!!! thanks for reading

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