Chapter 23 -Mad-

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Chapter 23 -Mad-

Author's pov

While Knives spend the night in the Prince's room nothing really happened but without Knives knowledge the Prince is having an inner battle with his desires, because he really want to devour this gullible wife of his.


The dawn had arrive.

Without a second thought Knives ask for the Prince to dismiss her, the Prince reluctantly approved because of her resolute face like whether he like it or not she would leave even if he didn't want to.

Knives head towards her room and there the three others are in the shadows, hiding.

"Come out.." Knives commanded in a chilly voice.

The three immediately came out, half kneeling, "Mistress" they replied.

"How's the situation?" Knives ask them, the three of them began to sweat coldly because of their mistress tone of voice, they couldn't detect any emotion containing them.

"Mistress we couldn't find the certain hideout of the one who captured Aiko,.... But we have some important details that might help us find them..." Nadia trailed off.

"We heard from a very reliable source from the palace that the Akuma Empire's Crown Prince and Blooming Sakura's Princess would attend the banquet"

When Knives heard this she didn't realize that she's showing a really scary face and emits a very dangerous bloodlust that made the three felt a shivering sensation on their spines.

Mistress is too scary!!! -Nadia

Too much bloodlust! Love it but have to be caution... -Lev

Have to be careful... -Grisha

"Great~" Knives simply put it in those words but they knew that this word is not just like that.

"Grisha, Lev, send some trust worthy sect members under cover in the palace and you have to be there too but conceal yourselves... We don't know the full capabilities of our enemies" Knives instructed the three of them on different tasks until a maid came knocking.

"Mistress, These servants would want to dress you up for the banguet..."

"Nadia stay, Grisha, Lev you know what to do...." Knives dismissed the two while Nadia become one with the shadows hiding her self.

"Come in"

-After a few hours later-

Knives is physically exhausted because of the dressing up that happened.

She was even more exhausted mentally because of the pressure that the kidnapping is giving her.

When all are said and done, Knives ordered the maids to leave.

"Nadia dress up, we're slaughtering someone"

Nadia inwardly shivered.


I'm sorry if I can't update!

And many many thanks for the votes and reads!!! Love lots

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!!

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