Chapter 3

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All of the important people including Mew are already in the venue this is the day of the last screening. There are only 6 auditionees left. One of them is Gulf.


" I may sound bias but I already chose my partner although I didn't expect him to come this far since hes a newbie. Coming this far means he got skills. I cant wait to see what you got later."


All 6 of them were told to form a straight line by the author and gave them a line consist of only 3 words. They have to give different kinds of emotions while saying those words. Although it sound easy but the auditionees found it very difficult specially saying those words to Mew face to face.

Since Mew didn't have to say a word (the author told him to just stand there then wait for the dialogue caress the cheek and then kiss) So he really didn't pay attention to the other 5 he just stand in front of them and let them act while he also did what he was told.

Now on to the last person Mew was really looking forward to this.

Gulf was instructed by the author to say the lines like he was saying it to his lover.

Gulf: "I Love You"

Mew who was not paying attention awhile ago suddenly felt like his heart beats faster and that he cant look away from Gulfs tantalizing and familiar eyes.

The people inside the room was expecting Mew to just do the same action he did with the other 5 actors but what they witness shocked all of them.

Mew who was supposed to caress and kiss the cheek of Gulf did the unthinkable and kissed Gulfs lips instead.

Everyone in the room was so shocked they didn't expect Mew to initiate the kiss.

Gulfs eyes went wide when he felt Mews lips on his.

GULFS POV ( Surprise!)

"WTF! Why is he kissing me on the lips? He didn't kissed the others like this!

Why is he kissing me passionately? Is he so into his character? He really is a professional doing this in front of all these people I should also do the same.


Mew who noticed that Gulf is responding cant hold himself back and kiss him more.
All the people in the hall felt like they're witnessing a couple who are making out.

Mew slid his tongue and explore Gulfs mouth, the hand that was supposed to be in the cheek went to the back of Gulfs head pressing deepening the kiss.

Gulf on the other hand cant help but opened his mouth more and responded, their tongues intertwines savouring each others taste then Gulfs right hand went to Mews neck.

Everyone are blushing because of whats happening in front of them. The author is the one who cant watch anymore because shes afraid that things may escalate and so she clap her hands.


Mew opened his eyes and ended the kiss. He doesn't know why he did that but now that the magical moment ended he cant look at Gulfs eyes so he pretended to ask the author.

Mew: " How was it? Did I passed your expectation?"

Author: " Oh! You sure did! You are really the Mew Suppasit. Anyways Gulf are you ok?"

Gulf: " Yes Im fine."

Author: "Ok guys you can go home now. We will give you a call if you get the part. BTW Mew your manager called to remind you about the charity event."

Mew: " Ok thank you P. Everyone you did well! I have to go now guys see you again next time."

Gulf smiles but deep down he felt embarrassed why did he have to respond to the kiss? He is mad at himself because he looked like a very willing participant.


Why did he kissed me like that? He kissed me with soo much passion that until after the kissed I can still feel my lip throbbing his tongue is very skillful.


The only thing I should worry about is if I get the role. Thats right thats the only thing that matters the most.

I should go to sleep now.


Who is texting me at this time!!!

Save this number.
Who s ds?
Its Mew👋🏻
Where did u get my #?
I asked P ur mnager gve it 2 him.
Ok? Do u nid something?
Have we meet b4?
No I don't rmmber meetng u b4
Y do I feel lyk ive knwn u 4 so long?
My face s comon hr n Thailand P
Yeah mybe dats d reason y...
Im sorry 4 ds2rbing u Goodnight Gulf

Why is he asking me this? Ofcourse its not my first time seeing his face. He is everywhere billboards, magazines, social media ect. Even if I don't want to see his face I have no choice but to see it everyday!!! But it was my first time meeting him personally at the audition. I really cant remember meeting him before. He is really weird.

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