Chapter 30

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Sammy: "Now go fix yourself so that we can go I'll accompany you today."

Gulf nodded his head and went to the bathroom, while he was there Sammy txted Mew.


I would've clled but Gulf told me ur wth ur girl!

Sam how is he?

Wht do u thnk? Im so mad rn Mew I told u 2 not hurt him!

I cn xplain Sam

No nid! I'll gve u 1 week 2 tlk 2 ur mom&break up with her Mew or i'll do somethng u wont lyk!

                                I'll be n Phuket with her ds s2rday Sam.


After sending her last message she blocked Mews number. Sam is still fuming when Gulf got out from the bathroom he noticed Sam's change of mood "Whats wrong Sam?"

Sammy: "I think it's best if you wont see or talk to him for the time being Gulf."

Gulf: "But Sam I agreed to stay with him."

Sammy: "He is going to Phuket with her this Saturday Gulf! The nerve of that fucking guy!!"

Gulf was shocked by what he heard "Where did you heard it from Sam?"

Sam gave her phone to him "read it!"

Gulf cant believe what he just read he clenched his fists and he closed his eyes trying to calm himself.

Sammy is really pissed off right now thats why when she saw him holding himself back she told him off "You will not see him for the time being give me your phone."

Gulf didn't moved so she took it and then she deleted Mew's phone number messages and blocked his number.

Sammy: "Since we don't have school for one week lets travel to Chiangmai we're leaving right now." Then she dragged Gulf out of the hotel and out of Bangkok.

Gulf is soo quiet the whole time so Sammy is trying her best to cheer him up.

Sammy: "Lets go to that one place that you really love Gulf ill book that whole house for us and I'll even use my own money! So you should cheer up because this is me treating you for the first time!"

Gulf still didn't say anything so she sighed "Gulf I didn't say that you will break up with him, he just needs to realise that he can't delay this any longer. If he truly love you he will do it as soon as possible.

Gulf: "Sam she is the one who took care of him when he was hospitalise until he recovers thats why he cant just abandon her."

Sammy: "His accident it was 8 years ago right? They've been together for only 2 years..."

Gulf interrupted her "3 years its their anniversary today"

Sammy rolled her eyes "do I look like I care? Anyway I don't know if I already asked you this but are they friends before they became lovers?

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