Chapter 4

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Neen Suwanamas as Pinky I saw her in Sotus and I find her really pretty. She has a very innocent face and vibe a perfect match of what I envision for my female character.



" Hello? Good morning P why are you calling me this early in the morning?"

Manager: "I have good news!!!!"

"What is it?"

Manager: " YOU DID IT!!! YOU GOT THE ROLE!!!!"

" REALLY?!! You're not kidding right P!!???'"

Manager: "Im Not! You really did it!!! Also the director told me that it was Mew I mean he chose you.!"

"But why would he chose me when Im the only one who lack experience?"

Manager: "Why are you like this? Arent you happy? You will be paired with the Luck Charmer your future career is already bright!"

"Yeah your right P he chose me that means he saw something in me."

Manager: "Thats the spirit! Now that the audition is over you have to prepare yourself because once they announce the casts you and Mew will start to have events together. I want to tell you that you should not care about the negative comments or words that haters or jealous people will throw at you once the promotion of the series starts. You have to believe in yourself ok?"

"Aw P thanks for the advice I will do that."

Manager: "You're welcome! Anyways I'll pick you up at 10 ok? I have to go I still have alot of things to do Bye!"

" Ok P Bye!"

I cant believed this! Im so lucky!!! I should call mom and dad and tell them about this!!.


"Babe its time to wake up! Your gonna be late!."

Pinky: "But I don't want to go to school today! I want to spend time with you!"

"Whats wrong with you? Since yesterday you have been acting strange?" Is there something you want to tell me?"

Pinky: "Its you who's been acting strangely! Last night you aren't yourself you acted like you would rather be somewhere else and was just forced to accompany me for dinner!"

"Baby I was just exhausted you know how busy I am with my job right?"

Pinky: "Well I was also busy and exhausted with my exams when you were hospitalised before right? It was me who helped you remember things right?"

"Alright.... alright! So what do you want to do today? You know I have schedule today."

Pinky: "I want to go with you! I want to meet your new co-stars."

"But you will get bored waiting again."

Pinky: "I promise I will behave."


Meeting Place

Mew: "Im sorry Im late P."

Manager: "Its ok. Oh Pinky its good to see you, you don't have class today?"

Pinky: "No! Thats why I came here to accompany my baby."

Manager: "How sweet. Anyway Mew everyone is already waiting for you this way."


Whats taking him so long? I still have class this afternoon!

Mew: "Everyone Im sorry for being late. I asked P to call you all here so that we can get to know each other you know breaking the ice because the schedule of the workshop is still undecided yet."

Bright: "P is she also part of the cast? How come I didn't saw her at the audition?"

Manager: "Ahem!... Ah shes"

Pinky: "Im Mews girlfriend. Nice meeting you all! I came here to accompany Mew since I don't have class. So~ who got the role of Type? I want to personally meet him."

Gulf: "Im Type I mean I got the role"

Pinky: "...!!!"

Why is she looking at me like she seen a ghost? Have we met before? But I don't remember her, this is the first time I've seen her.

Pinky: "Whats your name?"

Gulf: "Gulf Kanawut"

Pinky: "Mew how come you didn't tell me about this?"

Mew: "Ah~ tell you about what? I told you about this project right?"

Pinky: "No! Not that! About meeting Gulf again!!!"


Everyone in the room including Mew looked so confused right now.

Mew: "What do you mean meeting Gulf again? This is only our second time meeting!"

Pinky realises her mistake composed herself force a smile and said "Im sorry for being rude guys I mistook him for someone else. Baby~ my head is aching can we go home now please????"

Mew: "What?! We just got here we havent even started yet!"

Pinky: "Is this meeting more important than me huh?"

Mews manager acted quickly and told Mew to just give in and go home. Because he knew Pinky's temper so well thats why he had to do something before this meeting become a show to which Mew will probably be shamed.


Why is he still together with a crazy manipulative girl like her. I had a really bad feeling about her since the first time I met her. Theres something sinister about her. I just don't voice out my opinion about her to Mew because he looked contented with their relationship and he never complains to me. He always forgive her always understanding her and always doing everything she asked him to. Although she was always beside him when he was bedridden in the hospital and help him remember things before doesn't gave her the right to control him like this. I maybe wrong it could also be that Mew really loved her to the point the he would turn a blind eye to everything she does.

Its funny how everyone in the industry kept calling him the Luck Charmer but his love-life is not very lucky at all.

Manager: "I guess the saying You can't have it all is true afterall."

Bright: Did you say something P?

Manager: Nevermind, ok guys since we are all here lets just continue with the plan.

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