Chapter 108

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Gulf stayed in Mew's house for four days now, his schedules for a week was also cancelled. His team didn't elaborate the reason why because the crew from the commercial ad begged them to not say anything about the accident, they're afraid that his fans will get mad and complain and it will damage the product's name. Although his fanclub emailed his manager to ask what really happened to him and where is Gulf, Bermb could only lie as he himself haven't seen Gulf for four days its because Gulf told him that he will just stay at his house and wont accept any visitors because he doesn't want to talk about work and want to rest for a week so he had no choice but to agree.
(A/N: Bermb doesn't know about the FAKE breakup)

Gulf's parents already visited him and they told them everything and so they agreed to play along and pretend that Gulf is at their house resting they also didn't visit again as they're afraid that someone might see them going in and out Mew's house. Even though he got injured Gulf is very happy these past days because of Mew's constant TLC to him also his wound is healing nicely. Right now Mew is helping him take a bath.

Mew: "Just sit down na I will do the work"

Gulf: "Okay"

Mew: "Your manager called again?"

Gulf: "Yeah he wanted to see me"

Mew: "What did you say?"

Gulf: "Told him that I will just call him when I feel like it"

Mew: "Sammy didn't call?"

Gulf: "She did but she's busy because His Highness hosted a party and "she got dragged again" according to her. She said that when shes free she will come right away"

Mew: "I see"

Gulf: "How about you? Why theres no one calling you?"

Mew: "I turned off my phone"

Gulf: "You! Why did you do that? What if there's something VERY important needed your attention right away?"

Mew: "There's nothing MORE important than you Gulf others can wait"

Gulf smile. Mew grabbed the shampoo and then poured some in his hand and said "Close you eyes" he massage Gulf's scalp for a few minutes before he rinsed his hair and then proceeded on rubbing soap on his body.

Mew: "Turn around"

Gulf obeyed and Mew continue rubbing soap on his neck his chest down his abdomen he skip a certain area and continue on his thigh to his uninjured foot. Gulf is not totally naked right how he is still in his boxers. Mew was about to turned on the shower when Gulf suddenly said "You're not done yet" Mew looked at him then he handed him the soap and said "The rest you can do it yourself"

Gulf: "Why? You said you will do everything"

Mew: "I did"

Gulf: "You skipped this part"

Mew: "You can stop now Gulf as long as your wound isn't completely healed I'm not going to fuck you even if you beg"

Gulf tried to seduced Mew several times these past few days he even went as far as attacking him while he's sleeping but Mew would always refused and scolded him. He is sexually frustrated having his husband by his side not doing anything to him is driving him crazy, thats why right now he will not give up until he wont get what he want. He grab Mew's hand and then lead it down there he lick his lower lip while staring at Mew with so much lust on his eyes. Mew tried to pull out his hand but Gulf acted as if his wound hurt and cried "Aw! It hurts Mew" Mew got so worried and apologise "Im sorry" Gulf smirk and said "If your really sorry then do me" Mew close his eyes and said "No!" Gulf moved Mew's hand up and down while bucking his hips he leaned on to Mew's shoulder and whisper "Mew make me cum na~ I want to cum..ahh~ please?" Mew sigh he moved closer to him and lifted him up then place him down on his lap. Gulf's back is against his his chest, he then started rubbing Gulf's c*ck, Gulf head rested on his shoulder eyes closed hips bucking against his hand. Mew leaned down and started licking,kissing and sucking his neck "I love you" Gulf tugged his hair back and leaned down to captures his lips slipping his tongue inside savouring each others taste then Gulf broke off the kiss "I love you too Mew...Ah~ Im close....faster" Mew move his hand faster while his other hand is pinching and rubbing Gulf's erect nipple he knew that Gulf love it when he do that.

Gulf: "Ah Mew moore...har..der soo goood...Mmm~ Ahh!!"

Mew give him a quick kiss on the lips "This is enough for now na"

Gulf: "How about you?"

Mew: "I'm fine don't worry about me"

Gulf pouted and then he grabbed Mew's semi hard member "I can use my mouth you know" Mew remove his hand and he turned on the shower "Still a NO! Now be a good husband and listen to me na~ I already did what you wanted" Gulf nods his head and didn't speak after that.

Around three in the afternoon Boss arrived to tell Mew news about his schedule for next week and some gossips he heard outside. Mew is not even surprised by how the media and some people tried to make some issue of Gulf's sudden disappearance from the public eye.

Boss: "P Bermb asked me about you Nong"

Mew: "And?"

Boss: "Well ofcourse I lied, I told him that you're busy and couldn't visit Gulf"

Gulf: "He believe you?"

Boss: "I don't know"

The three of them got startled when the doorbell rang Mew walked to the door and opened it he was surprised to see Sammy.

Mew: "Sam?! Why are you here?"

Sammy: "What?! You don't want me here!?"

Mew: "No no no I mean Gulf told me you're busy"

Sammy rolled her eyes and said "That was two days ago Mew. Anyway aren't you going to invite me inside?" Mew opened the door wider and he moved to the side letting Sammy in. Sammy went straight to the surprised Gulf and embraced him "Im sorry for visiting you so late na~ How are you?" Gulf hugged her back and said "Im very happy and fine and contented"

Boss: "You...your Highness!"

Sammy: "Hello P! How are you?"

Boss: "Fine thank you for asking-"

Sammy: "Sammy call me Sammy ok? Anyways I have something for you"

Sammy called her bodyguards they entered the house with both hands full of branded paperbags "Put all of that there thanks guys"

Gulf: "What are those?"

Sammy smile "For you and for Auntie and Uncle I bought them from Luxembourg" then she looked at Boss and Mew she walked over the mountain of gifts and pulled two paper bags and then gave it to Boss "P for you" Boss eyes widens because he didn't expect to receive something from The Princess he instantly said thanks and received the gifts.

Sammy: "As for you Mew I don't think I need to give you anything"

Mew chuckle and said "I don't need it Sam what you did before until now is enough for me thank you for always helping us"

Sammy: "As long as you make my bestfriend happy I will always be behind you guys. Anyway Gulf when are you going back to work?"

Gulf got so confused why is Sammy asking him about his schedule, but he still answer her "After my feet is healed"

Sammy: "Uh-huh? And when is that"

Mew stared at Sammy and suddenly said "What is it Sam?" Sammy look at him and smile "What? Why are you asking me that?" Mew looked at her seriously and said "I know you Sam you know something" Sammy continue to smile at him and said "I don't know what you're talking about Mew"

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