Chapter 104

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More than a month had past since the incident in China. When they went back to Thailand Sam met them right away and told them about her Uncle's idea but Gulf strongly disagreed while Mew agreed to the plan but was persuaded by Gulf so Sammy really cant do anything about it.


Mew: "Sam..."

Sammy: "Fine! But don't come to me and ask for my help when you finally realise how stupid your decision is"

Gulf: "Saaaaam~"

Sammy: "I have to go since I just wasted my time talking to the both of you today!"

Gulf: "I love you Sam"

Sammy: "Stupid Gulf!"

After that meeting although Sammy told them that she will not help them anymore she still added more bodyguards to watch after them secretly.

Gulf had two "accidents" happened in just a month one is a brick falling and the other one is an attempt to stab him from behind but was always saved by the bodyguards that Sammy hired. Gulf didn't tell Sammy those incidents but his bodyguards always reports to her so she knew what was happening but she still kept quite and didn't call or txted Gulf because she wanted them to realise their mistake. Mew knew about those incident and he cant stop worrying everyday he also  tried to convinced Gulf to try what Sammy had suggested to them but Gulf still refused the idea.

Everyday Sammy is worrying about them although shes confident that the elites can be trusted but still shes feeling uneasy. Right now shes talking to the head bodyguard.

HeadBG: "Your Highness Sir Mew tried to convinced Sir Gulf again but he still refused"

Sammy: "And Mew give in again?"

HeadBG: "Yes Your Highness"

Sammy: "Then tell Mew's bodyguards to stay away from him and don't do anything unless its life and death situation"

HeadBG: "Isn't that dangerous Princess?"

Sammy: "It is since my stupid bestfriend doesn't listen to me or Mew even if his life was endangered twice already I think we need to show him how his stubborn ass can hurt not only him but also the person he cherish"

HeadBG: "But the stalker is not doing anything that will harm Sir Mew Your Highness"

Sammy: "We will see if your theory is right thats why tell Mew's bodyguards to stay away from him"

HeadBG: "I will Your Highness"

Sammy: "Is there anything else?"

HeadBG: "That is all Princess"

Sammy: "Ok"

Sammy rubbed his forehead and said "Im sorry Gulf I don't want to hurt you but your stubbornness pushed me to do this."

The next few days Gulf noticed that the bodyguards that Sammy hired for Mew are nowhere to be seen so he called Sammy to ask about them and Sammy just told him to not worry as they're just watching him from a distance. He said ok but he keep in worrying he also asked his bodyguards about it.

Gulf: "P do you know where are Mew's bodyguards?"

HeadBG: "They're just watching from a distance don't worry"

Gulf stared at him and then said "Ok"


Mew is in the venue for his fansigning he happily greeted everyone and proceeded with the event until its evening. When the event ended PBoss and Mew was walking to the parking area when someone called PBoss to go back inside so he told Mew to go on ahead and gave him the key to his car. While walking Mew was busy txting Gulf when someone suddenly covered his mouth and nose with cloth and he struggled and tried to fight back but the culprit had a very strong grip on him so he couldn't escape he struggled until he lose consciousness.

Not far from where Mew is his bodyguards watched and reported everything to Sammy by phone.

Bodyguard: "Princess Sir Mew is being attacked right now and he's fighting back but he can't escape are we still going to watch?"

Sammy: "Yes"

Bodyguard: "He fainted Your Highness and now another guy appeared and they are trying to carry him."

Sammy: "Go and arrest those guys and bring Mew here in the Palace."

The bodyguards did what they were told.

Gulf on the other hand is at home waiting for Mew to arrive. He got worried when its already 2am but Mew is still not home so he called PBoss and asked. PBoss told him that Mew went home ahead of him and that he thought thats he is already home. Gulf panicked and called everyone even Mew's costars asking his whereabouts but everyone told him that they have no idea where is Mew so he called Sammy's number but she is not answering his calls. He tried to call Mew's parents but he can't reached them and realise that they are not in Thailand. Because of the overwhelming fear he is feeling right now he decided to go and look for Mew. He went to the place Mew frequents and asked the employees but no one could tell him where his boyfriend is. He even went to Ice hotels and clubs but still didn't find Mew.

Losing all hope he drove to the Palace and asked the security if Sammy's inside and the security opened the gate for him without answering him.

Gulf entered the Palace and greeted the servants. He knew where is Sammy's favourite spot so he went there and saw his bestfriend sitting in the coach smiling at him. Gulf ran towards her and hug her tightly as he cried.

Sammy: "Whats the matter Gulf?"

Gulf look at her and said accusingly "You're evil!!"

Sammy chuckles and ask "What did I do?"

Gulf: "Sam stop pretending! The moment I came and ask the security guard about you and he opened the gate for me without saying a word and you sitting here at this hour waiting for me proves my theory that you have something to do with Mew's disappearance"

Sammy: "I'm glad your starting to use your brain now Gulf"

Gulf is really mad he screamed at her accusingly "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME SAM?!"

Sammy: "Okay first off Mew was really attacked awhile ago ok?"

Gulf was shocked "WHAT?!"

Sammy: "Uh-huh...I admit I told the bodyguards to stay away from him because your to confident with the idea that his stalker wont do anything to him and what happened today just proves that your wrong and I hope you learned your lesson Gulf stop being so stubborn."

Gulf: "...."

Sammy: "They used chloroform on him you know, thats why he fainted."

Gulf: "Where is he now?"

Sammy: "Don't worry his fine I called the doctor to check up on him and he said thats there's nothing to worry about as for the guys who did this they are now in jail"

Gulf: "There's nothing wrong with him?"

Sammy: "He woke up and we talked like 3 hours ago he said that his head is aching and that he's dizzy and nothing else I asked the doctor about it and he said its normal so you don't have to worry anymore na"

Gulf: "You let those guys did that to him Sam?!"

Sammy: "I don't have any other choice ok?! Since you very stubborn I need to show you what that guy would do to Mew if he had a chance! And do you know how worried I am everytime they told me that, that stalker tried to harm you again and again?"

Gulf stared at her and he felt guilty so he embrace Sammy and said "I'm sorry for not listening and for worrying you na~ I'll do it....your plan lets do it"

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