Chapter 47

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Mew woke up and got out of the bed, went to the bathroom to take a shower he already had plans for today. First he will visit his mom in the hospital then he will go to school and then finally he will go to Gulf's school and stalk him again today. Seeing him everyday makes his day complete but he just had no courage to go talk to him. He tried several times but when he is about to go talk to him he always change his mind so he just settled in stalking him.

After taking a shower he grab his phone and stared at his wallpaper "I will be late but I surely come see you later na?" then he laughed "What are you doing to me Gulf Im like a crazy love sick person."

He got startled when his phone rings he look at the caller and answered it "Hello"

Pinky: "Mew good morning"

Mew: "Yeah Good morning"

Pinky: "Im at the hospital now with Mom."

Mew: "Ok"

Pinky: "I have good news"

Mew: "Whats is it?"

Pinky: "When we arrived the doctor was here and he saw how your mom reacted when she saw Mom and the doctor said that Mom should frequently visit her since the moment she saw her shes happily talking to her."

Mew: "Really?"

Pinky: "Yeah the doctor said that maybe because your mom just needed someone who she can talk to freely. He said that a mother doesn't want to burden her child so they tend to keep what they're feeling inside."

Mew: "......"

Pinky: "Don't worry Mew I convinced Mom and shes willing to help, she said she will come talk to your mom everyday."

Mew: "Thanks Pink"

Pinky: "You're always welcome Mew."

Mew: "I have to go now"

Pinky: "Ok"


Mom: "I didnt say that I will come everyday"

"Ma~ you know that I love Mew right?"

Mom: "But its clear that he only loves you as a little sister."


Mom: "Alright Im sorry na just calm down ok?"

"Its because I haven't confess to him yet thats why he still sees me as his childhood friend and he is obsessed with that guy that he met."

Mom: "He's gay?"

"OFCOURSE NOT! I don't know the details about their meeting all he said to me is that he met that guy when he got high and drunk after his mom tried to commit suicide."

Mom: "But you said he is obsessed with him"

"I know him Mom its just temporary he will eventually get tired stalking that guy."

Mom: "Stalking?"

"Well yeah they only talked once and that was also the first time they met after that Mew tried everything to get that guys information and now he is stalking him everyday."

Mom: "How are you so sure that what he is doing now is just a phase?"


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