Chapter 7

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Today Mew and I have an interview. While waiting for Mew everyone was busy talking so I excused myself and went to the restroom. But the last person I dont want to talk right now just came out from the cubicle.

Mew saw me smiled and went too close for comfort.

Mew: "What are you staring at Gulf?"

Gulf: "Im not staring more like I got scared."

Mew: "Why are you scared hmmm..??" He asked him teasingly.

Gulf: "Fuck You MEW!!!"

Mew came closer and put both his hands to each side of my head.

Mew: "I knew you got aroused at the club babe."

Gulf: "....."

Mew: "I know you want me too Gulf. I felt it the way you responded to me and if Pinky was not there we could have finish what I started."

My body is becoming hot because of the way he spoke and his voice is so husky and full of lust?

Mew: "We can still continue where we left off you know."

He whispered then nibbled my ear and slipped his hand inside my pants and grip me.

I gasped and he started to move his hand up and down making me moan from the sensation.

Gulf: "Ah...hmm Mew"

He leaned closer and lick my neck.

Mew: "You taste really good baby its making me crazy."

Then he started to pump me faster making me gripped his shoulder for support.

Mew: "You have to beg me if you want to come baby."

I really don't want to beg him but It feels sooo good I want to cum so bad. Fuck faster pleasee...

Gulf: "Please~... Mew I wan-t to come hmm~ Ah~ Please le-t me...."


FUCKKK!!!!! I screamed and woke up scared to death. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!!!! WHY THE FUCK DID I DREAMED ABOUT HIM!!!!


Gulf got up from his bed went to the bathroom and took a very cold shower.

Gulf: "I cant believe I dreamed about him and this...thiss is DISGUSTING!!!! Im not a teenager anymore I'm passed the age of wet dreams fuckkk!!! Its that guys fault!!!"

While Gulf is fuming in Thailand the other guy doesn't have the luxury of reminiscing past events because he is very busy with his other projects. Mew just arrived in Indonesia after spending one week in Japan for a magazine shoot. After this he will fly to China to receive an award. It will be his last destination after a month long of overseas commitments.

Mew: "P the workshop is on hold because of me right?"

Manager: "Yeah it will resume once we arrive in Thailand. Once we land I will take care of our laggages and you will go straight to the workshop. I know that you are tired but these overseas projects was already scheduled before TharnType."

Mew: "l know P, after you drop my things at my house can you go to Pinky's dorm and tell her I cant meet her right away.

Manager: "Don't worry I will explain everything to her. Besides why are you worrying about that we still have 1 week before we go home."

A week passed and Mew is currently at the airport right now entertaining his fans. He is actually not in the mood because he have a migraine but he cant just snob his fans since they waited for him. So he faked a smile said hello and then he told them that he needs to go because he still have schedules.

When Mew arrived at the location of the workshop all of the casts are already there waiting for him.

Mew: "Im sorry Im late guys."

Director: "Its ok Mew we know that you came straight from the airport. Do you want to sleep first? You look very tired."

Mew: "No Im fine lets start."

Gulf after seeing Mew felt sorry for him. His face is pale and he looked really tired.

After 2 hours of workshop the director told them to take a break so Mew asked the director if he could take a nap for awhile his head is killing him the director said yes so he went to the corner and lay down put his arms above his eyes then took a nap.

Gulf cant stop himself from taking a glance at him. He lose weight, he wanted to go and sit beside Mew but he stop himself and instead went and sit beside Bright.

Bright: "P Mew looked really tired. I guess its the price you have to pay if you're super famous like him."

Gulf just nodded and didn't say a word.

Bright: "You know Gulf while it was your turn to act he was really paying attention to you.After your scene ends he always talked to the director."

Gulf: "Really?"


Everyone was startled by Mews phone because they're just talking quietly as to not disturb his nap so when his phone rang eevryones attention was caught by it. Mew who was just sleeping awhile ago woke up and answered it his migraine has gotten worst.

Mew: "Yes? He answered irritation is visible in his voice."

Pinky: "Whats with that tone?"

Mew: "Im sorry babe did you talked to P? His migraine is getting worse by a minute."

Pinky: "He did I was just checking if he was telling me the truth about you going straight to the workshop."

Mew: "Where else should I be?"

Pinky: "I don't know thats why I called duh! Its been a month since we last seen each other babe I expected you to come to my dorm first before going anywhere else. I should be your priority you know."


"Well I txted you the moment I arrived. Why are being like this? Do you want to talk to my costars too just to make sure I'm not lying?"

He answered irritatedly. Everyone is surprised by it because they never heard Mew talked to his girlfriend like this. Pinky on the other hand is also surprised.

Pinky: "Are you mad at me??"

Mew: "What? Am I supposed to be happy?"

Pinky: "......"

Mew: "What else do you want to me to do? Do you want me to turn on the video too just to make sure?"

Pinky: "Why are you mad!? I was just asking dont I have the right to!?"


Mew clenched his teeth massage his head because her voice is making his head throb. She isn't like this before. After he accepted this series shes been inquiring where and whom hes with constantly and she is very suspicious of him.

Mew: "Are you done talking? If so I need to go."

Mew ended the call and threw his phone away. He forgot he is not alone and that he is in a room full of people. But today he doesn't care of what others think of him. He stood up went to where the director is and asked.

Mew: "Can I go home P? My head is really killing me."

Director: "Of course Mew go home and take a rest."

Mew picked up his phone face his costars and said sorry to them then went home.


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