Chapter 39

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SURPRISED‼️ Yall Ive read your comments and yall are mad as hell so since I love my readers heres another chapter for you guys💜😘

By the way Im giving you glimpse of what Sammy's life before inside the Palace that's why I included her visit to the Crown Prince here for you to know that her life is also not perfect because no one is perfect in this world😉


Gulf went home and he is thankful that his Mom is not home because he don't want to see him like this right now. He went to the kitchen open the fridge and grab an ice pack and place it on his swollen cheek then he went to his room. He still cant believed what just happened Pinky's behaviour awhile ago was shocking its like something snapped in her. He put down the ice pack and take out his phone and called Sam.

Sammy: "What's up?"

Gulf took awhile to answer "Don't go to the hospital Pinky is there."

Sammy: "Did something happened?"

Gulf: "No I just want to tell you that you don't have to buy foods anymore because I'm already home."

Sammy: "Then I will just go there"

Gulf immediately said "NO! I..I mean you don't have to, just go home and rest na~."

Sammy: "Ok then BYE!"

Gulf sigh in relief "Sam should never know about what happened or she will definitely get mad."


Sammy was in the middle of a conversation to the Crown Prince when her phone vibrate and she saw that its Gulf she politely excused herself to answer it.

While talking to Gulf she noticed that his voice is different its somewhat sad and her instinct is telling her that something happened in the hospital so she asked "Did something happened?"

Gulf: "No I just want to tell you that you don't have to buy foods anymore because I'm already home."

Sammy: "Then I will just go there"

Gulf: "NO! I..I mean you don't have to just go home and rest na~."

"Ok then BYE!" Something did happened and I'm going to find it out Gulf you cant lie to me.

She returned to the dining room "Im sorry about that Uncle its a very important call so I can't just ignore it"

Girl: "There is nothing more important than His Highness Melanie."

Sammy: "Im sorry but am I talking to you?"

Woman: "Leaving the Palace changed you to this kind of insolent person."

Sammy rolled her eyes "I was also not talking to you."


Sammy smirked because she love seeing this oldhag mad "Indeed I was not the same Melanie that you can just insult and just take advantage off."

Girl: "Your Highness are you not going to stop this...this outsider from talking like that to Mom?"

Crown Prince: "If you don't want her to talk to you like that then stop provoking her I invited her to come here today and I did not ask you two to join us, now if you are displease you are free to go."

They two ladies rudely stood up and left angrily.

Sammy was touched by the Crown Prince words this is the first time someone defended her in this place.

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