Chapter 32

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SURPRISE!!! Yall I went to the hospital and the doctor just gave me antibiotics and they let me go 🙌🏻  So since I love all of you heres an update for yall!!!!

Ps: I read your Get Well Wishes THANK YOU🙇🏻‍♀️💜


Its been two days since Gulf and Sam disappeared and Mew is going crazy with worry he keep on checking his phone if theres a message from them or a message from his P Ice. He abandoned his girlfriend ignored her calls even her Mom's calls. He is at work right now and he's been getting alot of NGs that caused the filming to be delayed for several hours because he kept on forgetting his lines and also not giving the right emotion for the scene.

Director: "CUT! Mew what is wrong with you?!"

Mew: "Im sorry P lets film again."

Director: "No! You're done for you today go home and solve your problem we will shoot the other actors scenes for now."

Mew bowed his head and said sorry again, the director softens his voice "Mew this is the first time I've seen you like this if your problem is really bothering you, you should have told me and I would have skip your scenes today."

Mew: "Im really sorry P."

Director: "You can go home for today and solve whatever your problem is and I expect you to come as your normal self tomorrow ok?"

Mew nodded his head and went to his costars and to the staffs saying sorry to them for the delay he had caused before he went to his dressing room his manager followed behind.

When they're inside his manager can't help but voice out whats on his mind "Is it about Gulf?"

Mew sighed and nodded his head "Its been two days P I don't know what to do anymore I really miss him."

P Boss: "Lower your voice Mew or someone will hear you."

Mew grab his own hair in frustrstion "Even P Ice is having a hard time finding them!"

P Boss: "Your girlfriend has been calling me Mew she said youre not answering her calls or messages and you refused to see her and she said that you didn't even keep your promise to her about some trip to Phuket she'd been ranting to me Mew, she actually just called and I didn't answer because Im already tired listening to her."

Mew didn't comment he just sat there staring at the wall. This is the first time his manager saw him like this and he is worried stiff. Then suddenly Mew's phone rang and he immediately answered it.

Mew: "P~"

Ice: "Im sorry that it took me two days to find them but that bestfriend of his sure knew what she was doing if I didn't bribe someone I wouldn't have their location."

Mew: "How much did you pay P I'll pay you right away."

Ice: "No need...No need its just a small amount"

Mew: "Tell me"

Ice sighed if Mews talking like this it means he is not taking No for an answer "300,000 bhat"

Mew: "I'll send the money after we talk so where are they?"

Ice: "Chiangmai they're in an exclusive village in the mountain. I didn't know that your man is rich Mew, because that area are for Royals and Billionaires I have a villa there". (A/N: Ive been to Thailand but only in Phuket so this place is fiction ok?)

Mew: "Its not him that is rich its his bestfriend."

Ice: "Really what's her name I might know her."

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