Chapter 59

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Sorry for the late update yall🙇🏻‍♀️

Anyways Thank You for always Voting,Commenting and Adding TSC to your RL🙇🏻‍♀️💜


When Mew got home he called his manager and told him Gulfs answer.

PBoss: "Are you sure you're fine with this Mew?"

Mew: "You know me P ofcourse I want to tell the truth tomorrow."

PBoss: "I also think this is a bad idea."

Mew sighed "I know but that is what he wants."

PBoss: "If you're so sure about this then you have to come early tomorrow and read the lies that the company prepared beforehand."

Mew: "Yeah, also P, can you tell them about this because I don't want to talk to them right now."

PBoss: "No problem is there anything else? Because its already late and we still have a press-con tomorrow."

Mew: "Ok bye P"


"Ma~ I already told you that I was not thinking straight that time I was consumed by jealousy thats why I did it but I regretted it Ma when I saw him in the hospital do you think I didn't feel guilty? You know that I love him he is my soulmate, the one meant for me."

Mom: "Are hearing yourself right now?! You have to wake up with your delusions Pink Mew only saw you as his little sister! What do you think his dad will do when he knows about this huh!? Do you think you will still have the luxury to shop when your bored, buy those expensive brand and travel the world if his dad withdraw his investments!?"

"MA! Why are thinking about that right now when you should be helping me think of a way to get Mew back!"

Mom: "You're so selfish Pink what about you think of your fathers business first? We already let you do whatever you want we agreed in every request you asked but now that your fathers business is at risk you still think of yourself? What kind of daughter are you!?"

"MA! Ofcourse I care about Dad and you."

Mom: "Then prove it once his dad know about this Im sure he will call your dad right away so you will go with him and apologised to his dad personally."

"But Ma you know Im afraid of his dad right?"

Mom: "You have to face him and apologise to him either you like it or not!"



Mew is reading the lies his company prepared while having his hair and make up. His manager came inside and ask him if he is ready because all the press people are already there and waiting for him so Mew gave the paper to his manager  "Did they already contacted the staffs and director P?"

Manager: "Yes they already know what you will  be going to say Mew so you don't have to worry."

Mew smile and went out of the room he really doesn't want to lie but this is what Gulf wants. He walked to the stage bowed then introduce himself before he sit down. Someone signalled the press that they can now start asking questions.

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