Chapter 99

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Ice's hotel Peninsula

Wat tym?
Can we meet now?

I cant uncle's meeting will end @ 5

Gulf wll b home by dat tym I dont wnt 2 tell hm about dis Sam

U dont hve a choice u hve 2 tell him Mew or ds wll bcome anothr problm btween d 2 of u.

He wll worry again

Brng him with u na...I hve 2 go! C U lter!

Mew sigh he knew that Sam will not agree to him. He really didn't want Gulf to know about this "But Sam is the only one who can help me protect him" he thought.

He walked back to his room arrange Gulf's stuff before he called his dad.

Dad: "Yes Son?"

Mew: "Pa I want the renovation ASAP"

Dad: "Did something happened?"

Mew: "I want to move there as soon as possible Pa."

Dad: "Alright I will add more people there and I'll tell them to start working tomorrow."

Mew: "Thank you Pa I will see you later."

Dad: "Ok"

Mew then laid down and close his eyes.


President: "What is this rumour Nong?"

"Its not a rumour its true"

President: "This is not good for your image"

"They already know my relationship with Mew and they accepted it"

President: "But living together is another story!"

Bermb: "Mew said that he will buy Gulf's contract just name your price."

The president was speechless for awhile.

Bermb: He said to tell you that if you're going to make it difficult for NGulf."

President: "Who do he think he is?"

Bermb: "He has connections P so I suggest that we should just accept the situation if you don't want to lose NGulf you know that everyone wanted to interview him he is in demand right now do you really want to let the opportunities go to waste? The public already accepted them and living together is just proof that they're serious with each other."

President: "So you want to leave us Nong?"

"No but if Mew want me to leave then I will leave"

Bermb: "Medias are waiting for our statement P"

President: "What is Mew's company decision?"

Bermb: "He already threatened them so they told Mew to do whatever he wants"

"He did?"

Bermb: "Boss told me"

President: "Well if its like that then just cooperate with his manager and company so that we will have the same statements."

Bermb: "I already told his manager they said they will be the one to release a statement and all we have to do is follow and agree to everything they said there.

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