Chapter 134

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Mew already regained back his weight so his doctors already gave their approval for him to start his physical therapy. Right now Gulf is the one who's nervous and worried because the doctor explained to him everything he needed to know. Mew noticed his nervousness and told him that it is fine if he don't come.

Gulf: " I'll go with you"

Mew grabbed his hand and said "You're hand is cold it means your nervous. Don't even try to deny it because I can read you Gulf you can't lie to me"

Gulf: "I'll be okay I promise"

Mew: "I dont want to see you worrying over me while I'm on my physical therapy. I wouldn't be able to concentrate"

Mew's mom patted Gulf's shoulder and said "I will go with him Nong so don't worry na~" Gulf squeezed Mew's hand and said "I'm sorry" Mew smiled at him and asked "Why are you sorry?"

Gulf: "Because I can't go there with you. I might interrupt your session if I see you in pain"

Mew: "It's fine just wait for me here na~"

The nurse came and helped Mew to his wheelchair and then wheeled him the PT room. When they entered they were greeted by the physical therapist. This therapist was chosen by Sammy herself because she liked how honest he is when she interviewed him and his credentials are also off the charts.

Therapist: "Hello Nong Mew I'm Tee and I'm going to be your physical therapist starting today until you recovered"

Mew: "Its nice meeting you P"

Therapist: "I would like to have your autograph later Nong because I'm a fan of yours"

Mew's smile instantly dropped. He doesn't want someone who is his fan to be his therapist because he doesn't want any misunderstanding with Gulf in the future. Tee noticed his hesitation and assured him.

Tee: "You don't have to worry Nong. Yes, I'm your fan but I am also your therapist. Don't expect me to be soft on you while we are on session" After hearing it Mew smile genuinely at him and said "I'm relieved to hear that P because I don't want any misunderstanding between my fiancé and me.

Therapist: "Everyone knows that you only love Nong Gulf. I'm actually curious why he's not here with you?"

Mew: "He's in my room right now"

Tee: "I see. Shall we start?"

Mew nodded his head and listened to Tee when he's explaining things about his activity for today. Mew already knew that its going to be painful because he went through the same thing before so today he already prepared himself for the pain.

Mew's mom is just on the side silently worrying while watching her son trying his very best to stand and walk. She wanted to go help her son whenever Mew fall but she knew that Mew will not be happy if she does.

Because this is Mew's first day on his physical therapy. His therapist stopped their session after thirty minutes. Mew wanted to continue but Tee told him that its best not to strain his muscles too much.

Mew: "But P I want to walk again as soon as possible"

Tee: "Nong if you force your body too much you'll get injured and we don't want that to happen right? So just listen to me because I'm the expert here"

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