Chapter 40

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OMG!!! I don't know if you guys are already aware of this but the extra episode of TharnType will be in cinema and only Thai fans can watch it😭🤧
Im heart broken right now😭😭😭


When Mew woke up the first name he called was Gulf so he was surprised when Pinky was the one who he saw.

Pinky fake a smile "You need something from him babe?"

Mew: "Where is he?"

Pinky: "I don't know when I came theres no one here."

Mew: "....."

Pinky: "The doctor said that you can go home if you want babe he said all the test results are normal."

Mew: "Can I go home now?"

Pinky: "Ok I will tell P Boss so that you can go home today."

Mew: "Wheres my phone?"

Pinky: "Why?"

Mew: "Can't I have my phone? Where is it?"

Pinky lied "I don't know"

Mew: "Where is P Boss?"

Pinky: "He is busy"

Mew tried to stand up but was stopped by her "What are you doing?"

Mew: "To search for my phone I need to call someone."

Pinky: "Who?"

Mew: "Do I have to report everything I do to you?"

Pinky is trying to control her anger and smile "What wrong babe? Why are you mad just because you misplace your cellphone? You should rest more na"

Mew wanted to scream at her he really to wanted to call Gulf and ask him why he left when he promised him that he will not go anywhere.

Pinky came closer to him "Babe just listen to me na you rest and I will search for your phone don't worry."

Mew is feeling irritated right now and to avoid voicing out his frustration and hurt Pinky he laid down and close his eyes forcing himself to go to sleep.

When Pinky saw that Mew had fallen asleep she took out Mew's phone and tried to open it but she failed because Mew changed his password. "Why did you change your password Mew? Are you hiding something from me?" She thought.


When they came down Gulfs mom immediately noticed her sons swollen face and asked "What happened to your cheek Gulf?"

Gulf: "Its not a big deal Mom it will heal."

Mom: "Did someone bully you?"

Gulf laugh "Mom Im not a teenager anymore no one is bullying me."

Mom: "But your cheek" she said concerned.

Sammy felt sorry for Gulf's Mom so she interrupted them and said "Don't worry Auntie I will make sure that whoever did this will PAY."

Gulf turn his head "Sam!"

Sammy rolled her eyes "I was just kidding Gulf."

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