Chapter 129

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Mew's being in the same accident with Gulf was kept secret from the public thanks to Sammy. After she was notified about the incident she got worried that it would create a huge buzz and the media would do anything to get updates about them and it would ruin her plan so she immediately called Mew's agency and told them to come up with an excuse for Mew's absence in the public eye so his agency released a statement that Mew needed a break from the limelight to take care of his families business that's why he asked for a leave from the entertainment industry.

Gulf's accident was the only one who was publicised and everyone immediately assumed that Mew is with him and taking care of him not knowing that in reality he was in a coma. But when Mew woke up, someone from hospital leaked to the media about Mew and the good news of him waking up from his coma. It instantly spread through all social media and was on the breaking news on all tv stations. Sammy was quick to control the media and it was shut down right away. But fans already saw and heard about it and they all rushed to the hospital to confirm the news. Sammy is so mad that she called and demanded to the Director of the hospital to fire the person who leaked the information.

Mew is still weak and is having a hard time breathing on his own so after the tube was removed he still have to be on oxygen mask. His wounds physically has healed a long time ago but the damaged of the accident is so severe that he can't move his body on his own.

Mew's parents and Gulf didnt leave his side since yesterday because they're afraid that he will once again fall into deep sleep. They repeatedly asked the doctor about their son's condition and the doctor frankly told them that Mew still have a long way to go.

Mew is awake right now and he tried to remove his oxygen mask but was stopped by Gulf and instead gave him a pen and paper. Mew wrote something with difficulty and then showed it to them.

Mew wrote: "Why are you here Ma, Pa? How about business?"

Dad: "My secretary is handling everything right now Son theres no need to worry"

Mew nods his head and then he wrote something again this time he showed it to Gulf.

Mew wrote: "How about you? You still have work right?"

Gulf smile and brushed Mews hair with his fingers and said "I told the directors that its either they will wait or replaced me. Either way is fine with me"

Mew wrote: "I will pay for the compensation"

Gulf: "No need they told me that they already replaced me and everyone was very understanding they didn't asked for compensation and I've talk to our fans via our official Fanclub and they understood and promise that they will still support the movie and drama in the future"

Mew wrote: "I'm sorry"

Gulf willed himself not to cry in front of Mew and said "Its should be me saying that Mew, you're here because you saved me"

Mew wrote: "I will do it again if I have to"

Gulf this time couldn't stop his tears from falling and embraced Mew "Please stop saying that Mew. Please don't do it again I dont want to go through the same agonising situation again. I don't want to see you lifeless again Mew its so painful" Mew rubbed Gulf's back comforting him. Gulf wiped his tears away and asked "How's your body? Do you feel pain anywhere? Just let us know na?" Mew nods his head and didn't say anything but when he woke up the second time he noticed that he cant feel anything from his waist down to his feet. His back is also hurting even when he move his hands and arms hurts that's why he is having hard time writing. But he didn't want worry his parents specially Gulf so he endured the pain and didn't say anything about it.

Sammy suddenly entered the room and called for Gulf "Gulf can we talk?" Gulf looked at Sammy and noticed something odd on her expression so he let go of Mew "I'll be right back na~" and walk outside.

Gulf: "What is it Sam?"

Sammy: "Someone leaked the information about Mew and fans and medias are outside demanding answers. I already shut down the news about Mew but fans are quick to spread it on social media"

Gulf really doesn't have any idea about what's going on because he seldom touch his phone as he was taking care of Mew this whole time. "What's your plan?" he asked. Sammy close her eyes and said "I think its better to release a statement soon to calm the fans. They're mad about the fact that what happened to him was kept from them"

Gulf: "I will talk to them"

Sammy: "Yeah you have to record a video and send it to your official fanclub. I'm sorry I didn't expect someone is brave enough to disobey my orders"

Gulf: "It's ok Sam you've done enough for us. Thank you for always helping us"

Sammy: "What are friends for right?"

After that they went back inside and Gulf decided to tell Mew about what Sammy told him and Mew agreed to their plan.

At seven in the evening the doctor came in to check on Mew "How are you feeling now?"

Mew wrote: "Thankful"

The doctor smile and then he said "Let me check your legs na~" Mew froze and just stared at the doctor when he touched and tapped his legs and feet and asked if he feels anything. Mew remained still and didn't react. Mew's parents and Gulf got worried when he didn't write or reacted. The doctor then pulled the comforter up and said "I see, just like I thought"

Gulf: "What do you mean doctor?"

Doctor: "He cant feel anything from the waist down its it because of the damaged his spine received from the accident"

Mew's mom cried silently while his dad just stayed quite. Gulf on the other hand rushed to Mew's side and held his hand.

Doctor: "It seems like you already knew about this Mew since you don't look shock"

Mew grabbed the pen and paper and wrote "This is not my first time in this kind of situation doc"

Doctor: "You're back also hurts right?"

Gulf looked at Mew with worried eyes. Mew looked at him and smile then he wrote "Back arms fingers hurts"

Doctor: "I see then I will tell the nurse to give you higher dosage of pain reliever"

Mew wrote: "When can I start PT?"

Doctor: "I'm glad that you're very optimistic about your situation Mew. But I am sorry to say this but its too early for you to think of PT because you just woke up after eight months in a coma, you're still very weak and I will have to request another whole body CT scan to see if there's any other problems"

After the doctor left Gulf stared at Mew with a sad face then he asked "Why didn't you tell me about it Mew?"

Mew wrote: "Because I don't want to worry you"

Gulf: "Stop worrying about me! You're in here because of me! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!"

Mew closed his eyes because his head is starting to ache. Gulf instantly calmed down and worriedly asked "What's wrong? Are you ok?" Mew grabbed and squeeze his hand and didn't say anything or open his eyes. Mew's parents walked closer with worry. Mew's dad patted Gulf shoulder and said "NGulf I think he is just tired let him rest and lets not talk about something that would upset him na~"

Gulf: "I'm sorry pa~"

Mew's mom: "Come Gulf you also need to rest"

Gulf kissed Mew on the forehead and whispered "I love you" then he walked towards the couch and sat beside Mew's mom.

Mew didn't want to hear Gulf blaming himself for what happened to him thats why he closed his eyes and pretended to be sleepy, so that the conversation would end.

I didn't proofread this but I hope you guys like this chapter🙏🏻💜

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