Chapter 22: Mew

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"..... is to show you a high level proposal for the pineapple plantation. I will be focusing on the estimated cost of the initiative and the roadmap for the cost benefits projected annualy. As you can see on the graph, there is a linear projected benefit that will run for five years.  On the third year, we should be able to complete the capital cost. On the fourth year, it is forecasted that we will be able to optimize the benefit of the shift to the proposed technology provided there is a continuous flow of the pineapple crafts."

Olive is presenting in front of me and Gulf. She is practicing for her presentation which she will present later in front of the board.

"Can you go back to your agenda?" I asked. Olive went back to her first slide. "On this slide, you have to categorize the requirements and  benefits, then under those, you should have bullets for the type of requirements and benefits so the different Department heads would know what you need from them. Are you taking down notes Olive?"

Olive, typed something in her cellphone. "Yes Sir, I've been writing down everything you're saying."

I looked at my left, Gulf has his mouth open. Both of us are sitting in the couch while Olive is standing a few feet from us presenting, her report presented on the opposite wall through a projector. "What's wrong Gulf?"

"Mew, this is her first ever presentation. Can you take it easy, please?" Gulf said.

"I am preparing her. Those heads, when they hear the word cost, they will react right away. Olive needs to be ready." I said.

Gulf turned to Olive, "Don't panic Olive and don't be too technical about this. The heads aren't really interested in the technical details, you also have to focus on other benefits that are not necessarily financial. You have to divert their attention to other benefits so they won't focus on how much we will spend for this."

Olive is nodding and typing fast in her phone to make sure she captures everything.

"Before you go to the rest of the slides, I noticed your graphs are not pleasing to the eye. They have to be visually appealing as well. To add, your header should speak something about the graph-----" I said when Gulf interrupted.

"Take it easy Mew." Then he turned to Olive, "After this, set a one hour meeting with me. I will help give you tips and tools on how to make it more presentable."

"But we're having lunch Gulf," that's me who happened to reserve a table at my favorite restaurant for the two of us.

"Mew, her presentation is at 3 pm. She barely has 4 hours left." Gulf said.

"It's okay Sir G. I just had a training on Google Visual Presentation and there are tips online I can check." Olive interjected.

"Are you sure Olive?" Gulf said.

"Positive Sir." Olive smiled.

"Okay, try to finish it earlier so I can still check it." Gulf said worried about Olive.

I kept my mouth shut. I feel my mood getting sour.

Olive looked at me, "Can I continue Sir Mew?"

"No, revise it now. Gulf can check the rest later when you finish." I said. Then I stood up. "We're done here I guess. I just need to finish something Gulf, then we can go to lunch."

Gulf smiled. "Great. Ping me when you're ready." He stood up as well, then went out with Olive.

I went back to my desk and tried to finish some paperwork. It's been a week since I came to his place to help him settle. I have not been there again. I was not invited back nor did I invite myself to his place even if he gave me a key. That time, I waited for him for two hours to come back from Diane's. I only went home when he called to tell me that he went to the doctor with her since she has experienced cramps. I went home feeling defeated.

"Hey, wanna go now?" I looked up, Gulf is hovering on the door.

"Yes, let's go." I said.


We went to an organic American Steakhouse. I know the owner so it was easy to reserve a table.

"Steak Gulf?" I asked Gulf once we were seated.

"Yes Mew." He said.

I called the waiter and ordered us 2 steaks, red wine and some side salad.

"I think Olive has a potential just as long as she maintains her charm." Gulf said. He looks happy and unbothered today. I miss him. I only see him in the office and most of the time, both of us are busy.

"How are you Gulf?" I asked.

"I'm great Mew, wait," He signalled with his hand and checked his phone. It's vibrating, "Yes Diane." And yes, Diane keeps calling him time and time again. My theory of her becoming an issue is coming true.

He is nodding his head, then he checked his watch, "Not now but maybe later after work." He said. What is it this time?

"Yes Diane, don't worry about it. I can do that." Then he ended the call.

Not even a minute has passed and before I can open my mouth, the waiter came back with our orders.

Gulf dug in right away. I on the other hand has not yet moved on from his conversation with Diane.


He looked up and paused from digging on his food, "Yup?"

"Why did Diane call again?" I asked.

"She needed help with some of her things. She just rented a new apartment." He said.

"Do you want me to help her too?" I offered, just to ease my mind.

"I don't really think she'll be comfortable with you there Mew. " He said casually while eating his food.

I looked at him intently, confused. "Have I missed something Gulf? Is everything okay between us?"

It's his turn to look confused, "Yes, of course. Look, Diane is not someone you need to be threatened with. She is becoming a friend to me. Just friends, okay? If you have other friends, you will understand too."

"But I don't Gulf and even if I have, I wouldn't let that friend be in my beck and call the moment I need help which is in her case, every damn day."

Gulf put his utensils down, "Look Mew, I am doing this because I feel guilty. The child she is carrying can still be mine and if that happens and I just left her at her most vulnerable, I will regret it for the rest of my life. I hope you understand that too."

So I am the bad guy. "I am not heartless Gulf, but can't you just let me in too? Let me help. I need to help so I can ease my mind too."

Our plates are now left uneaten. "Don't you trust me Mew?" We are just looking at each other, both wondering how to proceed with this.

"It's not that I don't trust you Gulf, but you're warm one instant and cold the next. One moment we are passionately kissing, the next you are running to someone else. Gulf, you take one step forward and two steps back."

Gulf reddened and looked around. He stood up, "I lost my appetite, I'll just wait for you outside."

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