💜NCT127- Periods

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Hey guys, it's me.....  ( Everyone knows that ) with another segment.

Let's just hope our boys don't faint hearing the word Periods.

So yeah, let's just dive into the segment.

Basic storyline:

So you're supposed to have dinner night with your boyfriend ( NCT 127 Member) and Suddenly you get periods. How are they going to react to:

" Babe I have my periods "



- Doesn't know what to do O.o
- Google Search
" How to take care of your girlfriend who has periods? "
- Sees the result and eyes go big,  cause he sees the images of what women goes through.
- Rubs your arms to warm you up and ease you a bit.
- Gets you chocolates to eat.



- From the point you mentioned Periods, he would go out, you would winder whether he's mad at you or what?
- Comes back after an hour with many stuffs in his bag.
- Starting from pads to chocolates, he had bought everything necessary for you.
- Covers you up in blanket and sits beside you telling you bite little stories to ease you.



- Smiles and pulls you into a warm hug.
- Doesn't have any clue on what to do when you have periods, but buys you ice-cream.
- Plays small game so that you don't feel uncomfortable.
- Sweet little kisses and tickle battles.



- Pissed, that he can't do anything with you today.
- But still understand that you are in pain.
- Makes you sit beside him, it's still a date night, makes popcorn and puts in a movie.
- Switches off the light and covers you both in blanket, falls asleep on your shoulder. You giggle and fall asleep on his lap.



- Has very little clue on what to do.
- But decided to cook for you to make you comfortable. Books your favorite dish.
- Warm hugs and snuggles.
- Lot of kisses And lots of love, to make him feel at ease.



- His angelic smile puts you at ease.
- Massages you and rubs your tummy to ease the  pain.
- Lays down beside you and pulls to his chest to rest your head on his chest.
- Hums softly for you to sleep.



- Confused baby × 1.
- puffs his cheeks since he doesn't know what to do.
- But lay's beside you, and spoons you into a big cuddle sharing all his warmth to you.
- Sleeps in your embrace while you sleep in his embrace as well.



- Confussed baby × 2
- Has no clue what to do.
- " ummm....... Pads you say.....  What!? Where can I get
those? "
- Ask you thousand questions but still ends up with the wrong stuff.
- ( Don't blame the baby uwu)



- Probably already knows everything, do's And don'ts as well.
- But won't do it till you ask him.
- Apart from the pranks and stuff. Really sweet angel and takes care of you.
- " only today "
Does you household works like cleaning and stuff.
- Smiles seeing you sleep and cuddles beside you.


Well that's it folks for today hope you liked it......

Share with me which was your favorite storyline, mine was Johnny

You can request too, just drop in comments what you wanna see next.

And comment and vote if possible.....

See you next time with another requested segment.

Stay safe, be healthy.


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