🌚🔞 Frustration - Yuta

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Hey guys I'm back with yet another segment. 

That's right you are seeing the black moon of kink and the 18+ sign. 

I know you are going to ignore the warning anyway. 

So let's dive in the Smut for my boy Yuta. 


The stage, the stage always is very difficult with lot of fangirls and fanboys screaming at us and we acting cute and all, all for what? Just for the fame huh?

I hate this, one time, I try to be me just one time and the fans would go bonkers. I mean fans are supposed to accept the way you are right, when they can accept the fake me, why not the real me.

Thoughts like this were running inside Yuta's head. He was siting in his dressing room waiting for the concert to start. He was really pissed not because of what he didn't have, because he had something and he wants to show that to the world, but it's cruel it won't accept it.

He looked at his phone a picture of a girl smiling with her hands wrapped around his neck while he kissed was only seen in his eyes, seeing it he sighed heavily that he couldn't bring her. He was Frustrated.

You ready man? Johnny peeked inside the room and saw Yuta siting on his chair staring at the phone.

Yuta sighed and got up and smiled a little seeing the taller male in the room yep, I'm ready.

Johnny stepped in the room sensing something was wrong with him what happened? you look sad.

Yuta sighed a little I miss her , I want to see her.

Soon enough dude, this is the last concert for this month, so give your best and we'll go home. Johnny said sitting beside him 

Get ready, we have another performance as soon Taeyong and Mark finish their solo.

Yuta was practicing a bit beofre going to stage, as he was  deep in his routine and Taeil came to see him.

Don't push yourself too much Yuta, you're best already. Taeil smiled seeing Yuta practice. Yuta smiled seeing his hyung praise him.

You seems down      Taeil said knowing he was always the fun one to be around. It's because he misses Y/n, Johnny said dropping his arm around Yuta's shoulder.

Taeil laughed and everyone seems to be confused on suddenly why their oldest was acting bizarre.

You mean this Y/n!  he pulled  you from his back to make you stand in the front.

And you stood in front of everyone smiling, but a bit shy.

Oh my god, WHAT! , come man you did hear all the comments from the members since you were really close to all they treated you like one of them, some treat you like their sisters. But you had your fixed and shining for one person alone who was also shocked to see you, Yuta was speechless.

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