Me Without You - Johnny

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Hey guys, So apparently you don't want my book to end, lol.

So here I am with another request, actually this was asked to be anonymous so yeah, let's get it.


It's not easy dating a celebrity, Everyday is not a walk in the park or holding hands till sunset and cuddling in the bed together and movies night.

It was difficult, cause they are always working, basically you can't go out normally, cause of fans and media And they concerts, tours, TV programs, practice session and those rumors.Rumors are the one which spoil.

This is what exactly happened today with your fight with Johnny.

News: NCT Johnny was spotted in the club last night with Red Velvet's Joy. They were little more then getting cozy with each other.

You were in your work when you heard this. At first you thought about to just brush off, But then again it hit you that Johnny didn't come home last night, but he had promised to come back after the party in the club. You were getting a little tensed about the news. Was it true ? or was it not?  This  the only thing going in in your mind. You wanted to ask him, but he had plans today. So you planned to meet him in his practice room.


In SM Ent building ........

You: Hello ~ where is NCT 127 practicing today?

Reception: In room 4.

Normally they won't say this information to just anyone but people knew you, so they tell you immediately.

Mark saw you as he was surprised why you had visited them " Y/N?!  How come you're here today? " You smiled looking Mark  " Hey Mark ~ Is Johnny here ? " Mark was thinking where he was and just then it occurred " Oh he's with manager hyung, I'll go call him "

You nod you head as you wait outside the practice room. You wait there silently, but you had no idea on how to start the conversation. Just when you were thinking about how to talk to him. You hear his voice.

" Babe ! What's up you ? You didn't tell me you're going to be coming here today " He smiled pulling you for a hug. You hug him in a vague way and he senses something had been wrong with you. " Something bothering you babe ? ". You put your head down and mumble
" Nothing, I just wanted to see you "

Johnny pulls you for another hug " You sure you're good ? cause you seem to look different " It was his way of behavior or seeing him after 3 weeks or the news.... You didn't know why.... But you had started crying ........

" Babe ~ Oh my god are you crying ? come in here " Johnny takes you to an empty practice room baby why are you crying? Is there something wrong? Is it because of someone? " You nod your head as Johnny raise your head up to make you look at him in the eyes. " Who made you cry then ? " You wipe your tears and step back a little " You .. " .

" What did I do?" Johnny asked holding your hands " You said you would come back home yesterday! where were you?" You asked pushing Johnny back.I was in the after party Y/N and then I had to talk to some people, I was tired so we stayed in the dorm itself, I didn't wanted to disturb you cause I knew you would be sleeping at that time" You walked back with tears chocking your eyes " Some people you mean Joy? Too cozy "

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